Session 33: Return to Eberron Report

General Summary

The party finally returns to Sharn , but not before a brief chat with Aveum. The ancient time dragon wants to help the party, but is limited by the needs of the sanctity of the timeline. Feldspar Merrlin and Ninarin go off to discover what they can. Abrix and Madrox return to the ships in the Astral Sea, and bid the party a fond farewell. The rest of the party return to Morgrave University.

Upon returning to Sharn, the party meets with the portal council... the meeting is tense. Here's the highlights of what the party learned and from whom:

Aveum tells the party that they are the only ones who can protect Eberron... the cracks in the shell that protect their world are getting worse, and every trip out makes it a little worse. Aveum has seen the future and while he is limited in how much he can influence events, he wants the party to know that they are the heroes Eberron needs, and they should trust themselves even in the face of steep odds.

Back in Sharn, the party discovers the project has been shut down. Repeated attacks by the Order of the Emerald Claw on other teams and general losses have made the entire project not worth it. Specifically:

Bugdul Gular is glad to see them. He's been running the portal room with a skeleton crew in case the party came back. After a year and a half most had assumed they were lost.

Christine Chapple hates what is happening, and protects the party. She also, later, removes the tracer from their bodies (though it takes a lot out of them).

Yupukesumera is mostly quiet through the proceedings, but he clearly has grave misgivings about everything happening. He examines members of the party bodily, seriously invading personal space. It's clear this is running against the draconic prophecy in a significant way.

Harold Jehan is quiet, affable, and offers basically nothing of note. His dedication to the 'bumbling old man' routine is the most noteworthy thing about him currently. He does assure the party they are welcome to live in their rooms for as long as they'd like, and the school is open to them.

Doddra d'Orien is so helpful and welcoming it is almost embarssingly obvious she is up to something, but she at least seems to genuinely care that the party arrived back alive.

Geoffrey Boulderdown is furious. He feels the party failed on every level, he is upset they broke the iris with their return, he blames them for failing to kill or capture Merrix, he demands all tech and knowledge be turned over, and he is, in general, just the absolute worst about all of it. His viciousness toward Nora Pandost eventually causes a loud confrontation with Zeke Abd Al Rashid... which was honestly a long time coming.

Order has almost nothing to say during the meeting, but after the meeting ends she has a more private chat with Ulfgar Shadowhammer and Lilmeia Garibaldi . Ulfgar has a gift for the The Daughters of Sora Kell, and wants Order to deliver it for him. She agrees, but wants the truth of what happened while they were gone. She'll also answer their questions in exchange for answers to hers. This leads to the most open and honest conversation of the evening. Highlighting a few key points:

  • It is almost certain the Silver Flame has quietly hired the Emerald Claw to attack anyone associated with the The Portal Project.
  • Boulderdown took over almost immediately after Feldpar left, and drove the rest of this to ruin.
  • Someone is still using portals regularly, which is weakening the shell.
  • The party should assume they'll be attacked repeatedly.
  • Drooam and the Daughters have no real stake in this fight, no matter which way it goes. Their nation is growing in strength and prosperity regardless.

Finally, Helna Gearwaddle is desperate to see the new stuff Abrix added to the Drukar. Zeke distracts her long enough for Nora to get a copy made, and then turns the copy over.

Team Indigo

Graham White

Report Date
30 Jan 2024

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