Session 15: Treasure Hunters

General Summary

Indigo Team begins with an intense meeting with the Portal Council. Geoffrey Boulderdown's rage suggested the council would be furious at bringing Madrox through the portal and into Eberron, but the rest of the council seems to trust the party. Boulderdown, seeing himself extremely outvoted, gives up the fight. Yupukesumera again believes Madrox's arrival is foretold in the Draconic Prophecy.

 For their hard work the party are each awarded a single rare magic item from Morgrave University's collection.

Following their meeting, the party finds themselves called up again. Madrox has already worked to eliminate portal destinations to nowhere, and seems to be settling in well. The portal sends the party to the outskirts of a small town. Following the path, the party finds they have arrived just in time for a annual festival! Once a year people from all over the place descend on this small town to try their luck at finding the fabled Golden Scepter. It is believed to be found in the abandoned mithril mines outside the town. The party blends in with the other strangers, and enter the contest.

The mines present some challenges, including a mimic that tries to take a bite out of Ulfgar Shadowhammer, but overall they make quick work of the challenge. They find the golden scepter, but then immediately discover the entire search is nothing but a tourist trap. The scepter is worthless. The party receive trinket rings proclaiming themselves the winner of the annual hunt. They spend their remaining time enjoying the town, and then return home.

Rewards Granted

Helm of Teleportation (Graham)
Amulet of Health (Missed)

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
Liar Town by Graham
Report Date
25 Feb 2023

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