Tue 28th Feb 2023 04:47

Liar Town

by Sir Graham White

We met with the portal council and everything seemed like it was going really well. Everyone seemed to be in an unusually good mood. But then it's like someone made a major fopaux because all of a sudden for no reason at all people got upset that we didn't follow proper procedure. It was of course pointed out that we didn't have a procedure in place on how to deal with prisoners. Thankfully, we got everything worked out and they rewarded our good work with additional equipment. I was able to get my hands on something I used to have. A helm of teleportation. Such items are incredibly useful when stalking prey. They really freak out when they think they've lost you and you suddenly appear in front of them. Great times and a substantial tactical advantage.
We then arrived at one of the most disturbing places yet. Everything seemed friendly and normal at first. The town has an annual search for a scepter that was lost 300 years ago, down in an old mithril mine that has since been overrun with dangerous creatures. It seems most teams decide to travel light so that they can run away from such dangerous creatures. But our team knows how to take on dangerous threats head on and so that's what we did.
Mist once more proved to be an exceptional scout. She found and disarmed some exceptionally dangerous traps and we effortlessly dispatched a deadly shapeshifter that had cunningly disguised itself as a dagger. Mist then found a secret tunnel that lead us directly to the resting place of the scepter, which was surrounded by a magical circle. We defeated the circle and acquired the scepter and that's when everything went mad. It's like we were warped into some kind of twisted version of the world we were just in. The scepter was fake and everyone acted like it was just some kind of sick game they do every year. Thankfully, my companions and I just played along until we could get out of that madhouse of a moon. We did manage to leave with some magic items which will hopefully satisfy the council. I wouldn't blame them for being angry with us.