Session 0/1: We Gather

General Summary

Session 0: Of primary importance here were a few changes in the overall flow of the campaign (as opposed to the last campaign). They are listed below.

  1. I'm going to try telling players their characters' immediate feeling for intense situations (ex. something jumps out and goes BOO!). I will not decide on any actions your character takes, or how your character feels immediately after the initiating incident. The idea here is we, as real people, don't often get to decide how we feel about something that happens to us, but we can control how we respond it it. This is a sensitive topic, and we'll revisit it to see if it's working.
  2. Passing narrative checks (Persuasion, Deception, Intimidation) does not mean the character succeeds in whatever they're attempting, but it does mean they made the situation better (or, failing that, didn't make it worse).
  3. Along with that, please help me remember to roll your Perception/Intuition/Investigation rolls behind the screen! I'll also be working hard to keep your passive scores front and center so I don't forget them.
  4. One more on this topic: Rather than saying something like 'You don't believe them", I'm going to work on a more narrative-driven response. "You know you can't trust this guy, but something here feels sincere"
  5. In terms of combat, two changes of note. First, I am going to work on including elements to make fights more interesting- terrain is an easy example. Second, I'm also going to introduce fights that are unwinnable. Running or negotiating (or, I suppose, dying) will be your only recourses.
  Session 1:   Having been accepted onto Team Indigo through a council sponsorship, the member of the team meet for the first time in a small classroom in an unused upper floor of Morgrave University. They meet Elaniel Iaracaryn, a highly ranked school administer, who explains a brief history of the portal, and the role of their new team. Simply put, they are to travel through the portal to new areas, establish friendly (albeit distant) relations, and bring back magical items. Any items or information shared outside of the Portal Council and Morgrave University will be punished harshly.

Once agreeing to join the team, the party is taken through a disguised portal in a hallway. This portal leads them deep underground into a well-crafted cave system of unknown origins. Guards disguised as merchants are in the first of several alcoves along the path to a heavily barred door. Lilmeia Garibaldi and Ulfgar Shadowhammer notice the quality craftsmanship of the original work, as well as the mechanical traps hidden along their path. Several party members also notice the lack of magic in the area. Even everburning lanterns are no where to be seen. At the end of the path there is a heavy iron door guarded by experienced troops. They pass through, thanks to Elaniel, and enter the portal room.

The portal room is long and rectangular with high ceilings. Dominating the far wall as they enter is an incredibly complex magic circle. Nora Pandost excitedly pulls out pen and paper to begin sketching, but is told no. Instead, the party is lead up a flight of stairs to an observation room, where they meet Bugdul Gular, the commander for the Portal. He welcomes them and answers a few questions before the party is brought before the Portal Council. They, also, welcome the party and answer the team's questions. They explain they are the ultimate authority here, and will be giving missions and debriefing the team afterward. The party detects some underlying tensions amongst council members, but nothing solid. The council explains that, from here, each member of the team will be given a final chance to back out. Those wishing to remain will be given a special Symbol on their bodies. This will allow the Portal Council to locate them and ensure they are healthy in the event they are separated. Everyone agrees to stay.

After meeting with the council, the party head back downstairs, and through additional room where they meet Dr. Christine Chapple, the head of health and medicine for the Portal. She offers each a sedative, as the symbol application is more of a 'branding'. Some choose the sedative, and others do not, but the party endures the process with remarkable aplomb.

Rewards Granted

25 Goodberries

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
Making New Friends by Graham
Session 0/1 - Talk with Mia by Lilmeia
Report Date
11 Jul 2022
Primary Location
Morgrave University

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