Session 7: Report

General Summary

Following the debrief the party consults with Helna Gearwaddle on tech improvements, and returns to their rooms. They discover they'll be expected to ship out again the next day, and the situation seems dangerous. Graham White and Zeke Abd Al Rashid are working on tech improvements when they overhear Janet and Kyle discussing the high likelihood of Team Indigo dying on this mission. Once they realize they've been overheard they beg the heroes to not let anyone know. Graham and Zeke assure them the secret is safe.

Later, Order comes the their room and, after a promise of violence for betraying her trust, confirms what the party had long suspected- the council is hopelessly divided, and they are still trying to figure out how to do all this and what it means. She tells them Charlie Team was lost through the portal during the initial explorations, and tells them any evidence they can find of the team must be brought back.

The party goes through the portal after a completely unhelpful prep session from portal leadership and a much more helpful trip from the new probe. They find themselves in a dungeon. The Drukar is still experimental, but seems to say the portal will open in a different place than where it first opened. The information coming from it is spotty and inconsistent. The team decides to follow the drukar's directions, and finds traps and monsters waiting. They end in a small room where they find what appears to be a member of Charlie team...

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
Lost Corridors by Graham
Report Date
11 Oct 2022

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