Session 14: Meet Madrox

General Summary

Following the attack on the portal room the party has two days of down time, but none of it can be spent in the lab.
During this time, Ulfgar Shadowhammer is approached while he is drinking in a tavern and offers to buy him a drink. Ulfgar shuts him down without hesitation. A DM's sideplot is summarily executed.

The party then meets with the Portal Council. Here are the highlights:

  • There is a terrorist group who has clearly learned about the portal- the Order of the Emerald Claw
  • There is a fear new portals could be created outside of Morgrave University. One is already known to exist in the Mournland, as created on the Day of Mourning.
  • Indigo Team has proven to be the only reliable team. They are the only ones bringing back useful intel, and the only team currently at 100%. All other teams have people currently out for one reason or another.
  • Indigo Team is invited to share any insights. Yupukesumera tells them the Draconic Prophecy suggests they are to make a choice here. Nora Pandost shares they were attempting to pursue Brianna Petdove, but to no avail.

The party then go onto their next mission. The portal opens up onto an evening festival in the small town of Rosewell . The portal's opening blast, unfortunately, almost kills a family and destroys a cabbage stand. Guards are sent and, after some tension, take the party prisoner. The party surrenders their weapons, but not the Drukar. In the jail there is a cell for everyone in the party except Nora and one just for Nora (because of the Drukar). Another cell is filled with drunks from the festival, and the other contains a single prisoner, an odd looking elf named Madrox .

The captain of the police force genuinely believes the party meant no harm, and helps negotiate the repayment of the lost cabbages through the exchange of the high end salt the party picked up in WHERE. The party is then released, and told to not start any more trouble. They enjoy the festival and spend the night at a local inn.

The next morning the party set out to learn what they can about portals from this town. They make contact with a local who shares what is available about portals locally, but says the last person to come through the portal was Madrox. Madrox had, apparently, killed someone. The details were murkey. The trouble appears to be Madrox's ability to teleport at will, meaning he is only in the prison because he chooses to be. The captain claims to be waiting on the magistrate, but it's pretty clear he's stalling.

With no luck to be had in the library, the party choose to approach the Madrox angle instead. They ask the captain first if they can take Madrox off his hands, but he says he can't give permission for that. That would be against the law. But he will let them talk to Madrox alone and not pay too much attention to anything.

The party walks Madrox through the situation. Madrox is interested, but only if the party is sure they want him. He admits he did, in fact, kill a woman, but is unwilling to explain further. The party agrees, and tells Madrox where to meet them.

Madrox does, in fact, meet them on the outskirts of town. He is fascinated by the drukar, and interested in being in a place where portals are rare. He is pretty clearly hiding from something. It is decided he will go through the portal last. He voluntarily gives up his weapons and gives them to Zeke Abd Al Rashid.

Lilmeia Garibaldi goes through the portal first, and finds Bugdul Gular , Geoffrey Boulderdown, and Doddra d'Orien. She goes to Bugdal and tells him they’ve got a guest. Boulderdown is deeply concerned, and demands the iris be closed. Bugdal flatly refuses, pointing out that, if Indigo is going to be trusted, then that means they need to be trusted.

Madrox comes through, hands on his head, and attempts to introduce himself with a flourish. Instead, he becomes violently ill off in the side of the platform. He finds the destruction of the portal opening and the extreme nausea absolutely insane.

Team Indigo

Graham White

Report Date
21 Feb 2023

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