Sessions 46-48: Stuff Happened Report

General Summary

Look... it was a long summer. So don't worry about it.

Here's the important points: Indigo Team absolutely ran over the challenges and collected the pieces necessary to escape, culminating in a fight with a beholder that was... not quite as deadly as it could have been... but the liar actions were very compelling.

Then, with a group kamehameha, Feldspar Merrlin rode Lord Barnaby Cavendish III like a goddamn surfboard into the realm they've been trapped in and helps them back into the Wayfinder Foundation. Feldspar says Lord Cavendish was operating outside of orders, which might mean the Wayfinders aren't complete trash. Or maybe they are, who knows?

Anyway, Feldspar (along with Ninarin , Toox , and Ice) tell the party that Thrane has declared war on Breland, who is also now asserting their dominion over Droaam. Droaam's response has been a polite warning not to actually step foot into their territory.

The cause of all of this is the portals, whose existence is now more or less known to those in power. The party initally wants to hurry up and destory the remaining portals, but something isn't adding up... Feldspar has reservations that he can't back up, but he and the others tell Inidigo Team it is their turn to lead, and to decide. The group leaves to help save lives where they can, and wishes Indigo team the best.

After considerable debate, Indigo decide to ask a planar ally for help. They end up with a servent of Aureon, the god of lore and knowledge. The being is a collector of knowledge, though their appearance seems to change. Behind them floats a massive tome and inkpot, with a quill writing ceaselessly. Even looking at the book causes discomfort.

After some conversation, the party settles on asking the being whether or not Aveum, the Time Dragon, can be trusted. The being agrees to answer, but the price will be a memory of equal value from one of the party members. Zeke Abd Al Rashid volunteers insistently on paying the price.

The being consults the tome, and most of the party wisely follows their suggestion and averts their eyes. After a significant effort, the being shares that Aveum cannot be trusted. They seem discomforted by the experience, and proactively states they will not be answering any further questions. They take a memory of Zeke's and bids them farewell.

Speaking of Zeke, he and Nora Pandost decided to not avert their eyes. They are blinded, paralyzed, unconscious and have 5 levels of exhaustion.

The party now must decide what to do next. Do they continue to take apart portals? Do they spread the knowledge of the portals to everyone in an attempt to avert the cause of the war? What about the shell protecting Eberron from the Astral Sea? And what of the portals they have already dismantled, such as with House Orien and Arcanix?

Rewards Granted

Party reached level 11

Team Indigo

Graham White

Report Date
14 Aug 2024

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