Session 38: Stanley Girls Report

General Summary

Indigo Team uses Wind Walk, a truly broken spell, to leave the The Spark Goblins and make their way to Dragon's Crown. They arrive to find the large stone structure shaped roughly like a huge crown, but a few hundred yards away there is also a squat, square building made of stone and timber. Zeke Abd Al Rashid is struck by a magical bird directly in the temple and passes out. Concussion protocols are in effect (again).

Amongst the stone of the crown the party finds two groups. The first is a group of 30-something human women camping out without magic... aside from their oversized Truly Tankards, wand of prestidigiation, and a few other odds and ends. They let the party know the ugly building showed up a month or so ago, and is an absolute eyesore. They've complained, but it isn't doing much.

The second group is a pair of elves studying the draconic prophecy. Specifically, an apparently empty stretch of stone. The duo recognize the party as being a piece in the prophecy, and after some tangents on the finer points of prophecy, tell them that Indigo Team is destined to either destroy the world or save the world. But either way, they should expect to be attacked with regularity to either let them build their strength to save the world or kill them so they won't destory the world... or possibly some other combination. But it's a big deal, regardless. Also, Nora Pandost's ears are a crucial component of the whole thing.

Lilmeia Garibaldi investigates the outside of the building and discovers an antimagic field surrounding the building in a dome, with an opening around 12 feet across at the top, roughly 100 feet in the air. Flying through it while still in cloud form she enters the building and discovers an extremely unethical magic testing facility owned by House Cannith. She also discovers a tavern built underground, complete with common room, bar, and rooms for sleeping. At the end of the hallway there is another door, and through there is a teleportation circle that appears to be linked to the House Orien network, a big no no.

After conferring with the group, the party decides to use their gaseous form to "appear" in the teleportation circle as high ranking members of House Cannith here for an inspection. In a truly remarkable bit of roleplay they use bureaucratic intimidation to learn everything there is to know about the facility. They discover the details around the unethical testing (which Nora is determined to report to Morgrave University), but more importantly they determine there is no portal research being done, nor do the people in charge believe the House is doing portal research elsewhere. Apparently all of the research disappeared with Merrix d'Cannith.

The party leaves the facility as they came in, but not before collecting a few items of note (see below). They decide to rest overnight, then move to the next closest facility on the northern shore of Lake Brey to verify what they've discovered.

Rewards Granted

Party reached level 9
Wand of Healing (use Staff of Healing stats)
2 orbs of Dispel Magic (removes all spell effects level 5 and lower, single use)
Wand of Baleful Polymorph (DM does NOT recommend using this)

Team Indigo

Graham White

Report Date
03 Apr 2024

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