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The Fallen

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Errat
| Looking for Players


  • Hempholm
  • Suth-on-Spoke
Supporting Cast
  • Balthazar The monk
    The head monk of the church that resides in Suth-on-spoke, old and learned but a bit tired of life.
  • Bhor Stonesthrow
    Son of the mayor of Stonesthrow village, wannabe adventurer.
  • David Dactyl
    Runs the general store in Hempholm, also has several side businesses that make him more money. Has a dark sense of humor.
  • John Barrowman
    Hearty and friendly blacksmith, always has a smile but tends to keep his wits about him whenever.
  • Kvarnik Taste-ale
    Mostly under the influence of his own wares, he is the hearty and often loud patron of The Pilgirm's inn.
  • Lord Edrick of Hempholm
    Local leader of Hempholm, one of many of a family that has ruled this small bit of land for centuries.
  • Marie Fleetfoot
    Hobbit patron of the Hobbit's Feet inn. Though she despises the word hobbit.
  • Mattheus Bartolome Sutton
    The raining lord of Suth-on-Spoke, a caring and thoughtfull man dedicated to his research.
  • Peter Benjamin Diddles
    A scholar and a gentleman and alchemist of Suth-on-Spoke, although most of the villagers would describe him differently much to his chagrin.
  • Sug-Gok Fairbreeze
    Tall and oafy but with a good heart, runs his general store to the best of his abilities, seems to do just fine for himself all things considered.

Session 3

Sessions Archive

5th Jun 2020

Session 2


This story is told by

The Protagonists

Volnir of Marramedia

Level 3 Gnome, Rock Sorcerer
/ 23 HP

Kavraeg Stormaxe

Level 3 Hill Dwarf Neutral Barbarian
/ 38 HP

Torna Flann

Level 3 Human Bard
/ 27 HP