Kavraeg Stormaxe | World Anvil

Kavraeg Stormaxe

Level 3 Hill Dwarf Neutral Barbarian
/ 38 HP

Campaign & Party

Heroes of Hempholm

Volnir Kavraeg Torna
Run by Skrawler17
Played by
5th of month 11, 1235


by Kavraeg Stormaxe


Kavraeg's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Suth on Spoke
    5th of month 10, 1235
  2. ................
    5th of month 11, 1235

The major events and journals in Kavraeg's history, from the beginning to today.


08:47 pm - 10.03.2022

Session 3

05:41 pm - 18.06.2020


09:40 pm - 05.06.2020



09:39 pm - 05.06.2020

Session 2

09:39 pm - 05.06.2020

Session 2

07:42 pm - 05.06.2020

Killed some goblins, rats and spiders today. Party member died but became a gnome instead of leaving this earth. weird....

09:43 pm - 25.05.2020

Suth on Spoke

In Suth-on-Spoke zijn we naar de tavern gegaan, gepraat met wat mensen en zijn daarna naar "the delve" gegaan. Hier hebben we een paar goblins gekilled en een bugbear. Daarna hebben we een chest gevonden met goud en copper en een silvere sleutel. Vervolge...

09:42 pm - 25.05.2020

Session1: The intro

09:35 pm - 25.05.2020

hit someone with an axe today, nice

06:24 pm - 25.05.2020

Session1: The intro

06:19 pm - 25.05.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kavraeg.

Played by