Session1: The intro Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session1: The intro Report

General Summary

The party went to Suth-on-Spoke, There they went into the local tavern and found out about an underground dungeon named The Delve a place for young adventurers to test their mettle.  They found a bunch of goblins that were led by a bugbear they dispatched of these quite handily. One of the goblins got away through a crack in the wall. After they found a chest containing coins and a silver key whioch they used on the closed submerged doors. After diving through these they then had to fight a couple swarms of rats, spiders and at the end the big momma spider. Volnir died and was reincarnated through his use of Wild magic he turned into a Rock Gnome. He found an altar depicting Rats, Birds and Spiders with a staff and a hat on it which he took.

Rewards Granted

Money Staff of Birdcall Hat of Vermin

Character(s) interacted with

They met Kvarnik Taste-ale barkeep and owner of the local tavern.

The Fallen

Volnir of Marramedia

Level 3 Gnome, Rock Sorcerer
/ 23 HP

Kavraeg Stormaxe

Level 3 Hill Dwarf Neutral Barbarian
/ 38 HP

Torna Flann

Level 3 Human Bard
/ 27 HP
Player Journals
The onset of a particular journey. by Volnir
Suth on Spoke by Kavraeg
Report Date
25 May 2020

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