Starship battle: Julakesh is a bad shot but finds a home as the Sunrise Maiden's magic officer. Both enemy ships are destroyed, but the Sunrise Maiden is heavily damaged.
The PCs smuggle Hebiza into Absalom Station in a crate, with the heavily wounded Julakesh on top and Tyrfing pushing. A few reporters are knocked over (until Julakesh roars and terrifies a pathway, but Zanderbey stays behind to distract the majority. At the far side of the crowd, Urbemor is in Orgren's taxi. He is immediately suspicious of the crate, but Tyrfing sends it away before anything can be done about it. Later, Urbemor learns that the crate went to Chriogrim the Broken but isn't sure what it is.
After a day of recovery, Guidance has translated the runes found on the Drift Rock's computers, matching them with some that the 'explorer' Indigo Ana'jon found a few centuries ago. His records on Castrovel (much to Tyrfing's despair) are the last remaining translations, so Urbemor sends the group to the 'Oaks'.
As many days of downtime as the PCs want...they leave for Castrovel when they're ready!