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A Clammy Situation

General Summary

The party started off split with Captain Giff Byrne , Truth Rispira , Weasel Heathermore ,   as the only catfolk around, he may respond to 'cat man' or the like, but will give a some attitude." href="/w/charon-1upstories/a/cat-man-person">Cerrin Cat man  , and Dohbin Bunswhicz bringing Toffee to the other goblin encampment. During the journey there the group is attacked by Jagrases; who they quickly slayed.
Upon arrival Alk promptly stabs the tied up Toffee. Explains to the party a bit more details about there past on how they too got stranded on this island. Along with how Toffee killed off the remaining survivors; on top of abandoning some of them in a fight against the Great Jagras. He says he's done with him and the party can do what they want; even toss him into the feeding pit which contains some captured Jagrases. After some debate near the pit; Giff gives a swift kick to the branch that Toffee is tied too so that it is hanging over the pit now. The creatures snapping at him; and Toffee begging for his life. The party decides to cut him down and drop him in the pit. A bit later that day Giff ask Alk for a light sketch of the island along with notable locations. A day later Alk gives Giff the map, and Giff marks a spot where the Jagres breeding grounds is; as if there is treasure buried there.
The other two Indra Fenris , and StormLord Lord of the Storms , still remain back at the larger goblin encampment. Here they try to convince the residence that Stormlord can be the leader because he is the tallest there. One of the goblins tells Inrda that only goblins can be goblin leader, and that a new leader will be picked tomorrow if Toffee doesn't return. Indra they decides to have a small beach party. She also decides to make a seashell necklace with Neeka ; while Stormlord attempts to control the tides. A day passes a new leader is picked named Kadu . He is much more agreeable then Toffee was and gets his people to build a bonfire.
The bonfire attracts a nearby ship with a gnomish captain called; Captain ClamDorbid . The party on the other side of the island seas the fire; and promptly rushes over. The first person to meet ClamDorbid is Stormlord; for Stormlord swam out to meet them. ClamDorbid promptly tells Stormlord that he is the first to be rescued and as the first he will gift him one thing. Stormlord ask for a barrel of Ale. The next day ClamDorbid and crew arrive at the island early dawn. ClamDorbid tells Indra that she is being saved, and not to worry. Indra asked if they could wait for the rest of the party to arrive before leaving the island; ClamDorbid agrees.
The rest of the party wait at the tree line; and come up with a plan if they need to over throw the people on this ship. Introducing themselves; ClamDorbid welcomes them aboard the ship The Floating Clam. After setting out ClamDorbid tells the party that they are gonna be taken to the nearest Astravein Empire port; Victoria. Along with that the island they were at would make a great outpost; and has plans to get rid of the goblins living there. Not liking either of this options the party quickly springs into action. Tossing ClamDorbid into the dingy and sending off to sea. Berlirk the 1st mate not wanting to start anything; and risk the life of the rest of the crew. Decides that it was a necessary sacrifice. He meets and discuses with Giff in the captains quarters, and they come to an agreement. That they will go to the nearest outpost drop of the old crew, and the party will keep the ship. During this discussion Stormlord swims out to the dingy; creates a mini storm, and cause the dingy to flip. He then proceeds to drown ClamDorbid, and brings his corpse (and the dingy) back to the ship. Promptly hurls him on to the deck alerting everyone, and then very casually drags and then tosses him into the barrel of ale. Stormlrod then proceeds to dance and chant around the barrel; inorder to appease his the sky. The group then decides as whole to head to the nearest outpost, drop off Berlirk and co, then resupply, and then head back to Gozastal.

Rewards Granted

  • A Locket
  • A Ring
  • A simple map of the Goblin Island

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Escaped the Goblin Island

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

  • Berlirk  
  • Captain ClamDorbid 
  • Kadu  
  • Related Reports


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    Captain Giff Byrne

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    Dohbin Bunswhicz

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    Indra Fenris

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    Cerrin Cat man

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    Report Date
    20 Mar 2021

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