Session 18: Turning in Quests Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 18: Turning in Quests

General Summary

In the morning the party divided their efforts, with some staying behind to guard the cauldron and the rest following the clue to the Easthaven Ferry. As they approached the ferry they saw firelight being reflected off a trail of smoke coming from the ferry.   They approached the mostly doused fire and finished off the dousing. Upon inspection they saw that someone dwarfish had been staying on the ferry for some amount of time. They found a couple partially burnt pieces of correspondence between whoever was here and a Y, and a mostly ruined map of Ten Towns with an outpost marked near the south-eastern party of Kelvin's Cairn. A single set of tracks led off across the lake to the northwest but with a significant time lead the subparty decided not to follow.   The next day they received their payment of ten finely cut Topaz gemstones and immediately left town to go to Bryn Shander. Natali begged off from the group to stop by her home and check in, most likely meeting up with the party near Lonelywood.   In Bryn Shander they had the gemstones appraised at the The Invisible Eagle Supermarket at 500gp a piece, changing out several of the stones they took the remainder to Blackiron Blades to have two suits of plate crafted for Veld and Martok. With a couple days to wait for the armor they slept for the evening and the next morning headed off to Targos.   In Targos they stopped by Garret and Keegan's to pick up a reward for saving Garret's life. They received a wooden box containing four scrimshaw figurines worth about 10gp each: a spouting whale, a smiling fox, a pair of dancing hares, and a walrus with the words "BIG LOVE" carved into it. Keegan also put in a good word with Owenn at The Luskan Arms inn. With Keegan's meager valuables in hand they set off to their next payday in Bremen.   Back in Bremen they sought out Hlin and found her residing at Buried Treasures. They updated her on the successful hunt of Sephek Kaltro and got their promised reward of 100gp. They also learned about Cora's recent loss of her son to a pair of tieflings after he found a shard of black ice out in the tundra. He went with them willingly after a rather abrupt personality change. The only thing she overheard them talking about is giving him sanctuary in their castle. With their next immediate goal to investigate the rumors of Martok's mystery man the party set off towards Lonelywood. They arrived later in the night and settled into their inn in progress.   The next morning they awoke to find Serafin had left in the night, leaving behind a note that she needed to see her father immediately and not to wait up for her. Now two members down they headed out along the river towards the rumored location of the black cabin. Not long after noon two large deerlike birds with sharp teeth descended upon them.

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