Natali | World Anvil

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The major events and journals in Natali's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 28

04:40 am - 20.08.2021

Session 28

12:22 am - 20.08.2021

Session 27

10:34 pm - 19.08.2021

Session 27

10:34 pm - 19.08.2021

Session 26

10:33 pm - 19.08.2021

Session 26

10:33 pm - 19.08.2021

Session 25

03:43 am - 30.07.2021

Session 25

12:09 am - 30.07.2021

Session 24: Id Ascendent

05:23 am - 23.07.2021

Session 24: Id Ascendent

11:51 pm - 22.07.2021

Session 23

05:05 am - 16.07.2021

Session 23

11:42 pm - 15.07.2021

Session 22

04:52 am - 09.07.2021

Session 22

12:09 am - 09.07.2021

Session 21

11:03 pm - 08.07.2021

Session 21

11:03 pm - 08.07.2021

Session 20: Reunions, Goodbyes, and New Meetings

11:13 pm - 01.07.2021

Session 20: Reunions, Goodbyes, and New Meetings

11:13 pm - 01.07.2021

Session 19

05:38 am - 18.06.2021

Session 19

11:39 pm - 17.06.2021

Session 18: Turning in Quests

11:08 pm - 17.06.2021

Session 18: Turning in Quests

11:08 pm - 17.06.2021

Session 17: TBD

05:02 am - 04.06.2021

Session 17: TBD

12:07 am - 04.06.2021

Session 16: Toil and Trouble

10:11 pm - 03.06.2021

Session 16: Toil and Trouble

10:11 pm - 03.06.2021

Session 15

11:04 pm - 27.05.2021

Session 15

11:04 pm - 27.05.2021

Session 14: Cackling Chasm

10:49 pm - 20.05.2021

Session 14: Cackling Chasm

10:49 pm - 20.05.2021

Session 13: Encounters in the Snow

10:43 pm - 13.05.2021

Session 13: Encounters in the Snow

10:43 pm - 13.05.2021

Session 12: Scattered Attentions

11:18 pm - 06.05.2021

Session 12: Scattered Attentions

11:18 pm - 06.05.2021

Session 11: The Mountain Climb

10:43 pm - 29.04.2021

Session 11: The Mountain Climb

10:43 pm - 29.04.2021

Session 10

10:35 pm - 22.04.2021

Session 10

10:35 pm - 22.04.2021

Session 9: TBD

05:34 am - 09.04.2021

Session 9: TBD

12:05 am - 09.04.2021

Session 8: TBD

08:21 pm - 08.04.2021

Session 8: TBD

08:21 pm - 08.04.2021

Session 7: TBD

06:04 am - 26.03.2021

Session 7: TBD

12:02 am - 26.03.2021

Session 6: TBD

05:29 am - 19.03.2021

Session 6: TBD

12:37 am - 19.03.2021

Session 5: Elves, Sabretooth Tigers, and Polar Bears!

10:06 pm - 18.03.2021

Session 5: Elves, Sabretooth Tigers, and Polar Bears!

10:06 pm - 18.03.2021

Session 4: The White Moose

07:50 am - 05.03.2021

Session 4: The White Moose

07:50 am - 05.03.2021

Sessdion 3: A Beautiful Mine

11:17 pm - 28.02.2021

Sessdion 3: A Beautiful Mine

11:17 pm - 28.02.2021

Session 2: Exploring Ten Towns

03:08 am - 20.02.2021

Session 2: Exploring Ten Towns

03:08 am - 20.02.2021

The party meets and the lake monster

10:16 pm - 12.02.2021

The party meets and the lake monster

10:12 pm - 12.02.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Natali.