Session 12: Scattered Attentions Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 12: Scattered Attentions

General Summary

After resting in the yeti cave the party continued up the mountain in search of Astrix, the final member of Garret's doomed expedition. They found her, seemingly uninjured, frozen to death. They found her with knees pulled tight to her chest, teeth clenched, and her eyes staring at the blue boots stick out of the snow nearby.   Some of the party dug the boots, and the beheaded dwarven climber they were attached to, out of the snowbank while others relieved the dead tiefling of her remaining possessions. They brought the frozen corpse of Astrix down the mountain with them as Perilou Fishfinger mourned the loss of her friends and rethought her decision to become and adventurer.   Back down at the base camp Garret and Perilou set up to rest for the remainder of the day before heading back to Caer-Konig. The party, eager to continue their journey, decided to head back immediately. They made arrangements to have the body taken care of.   Only outline below...   Party spoke with Trovus about more dead bodies, learned a little about more stolen items, suspect dwarves.   Left the next morning for Easthaven to chase a rumor of a fish hook. Arrived in Easthaven just in time to witness the burning of an evil wizard. Captain of the guard offered a job to look for some missing fisherman. The party split for the evening, Natali and Michael attended a seance where they briefly questioned the spirit of the White Lady. They learned of rumors of a treasure lost in Lac Dinneshere. They were told the missing fisherman had been cut up and tossed in a magic cauldron.   Everyone went to sleep.

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