Session 2: On the trail of Torg's Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 2: On the trail of Torg's

General Summary

The party reconvenes in the morning at Buried Treasures. Veld recalls a conversation he overheard the previous evening between a goliath named Mokingo and his two companions, a tiefling and a halfling. He sought to find Oyaminartok, a werebear. The tiefling regretted not taking up a wizard on an offer to find lost netherese ruins. The halfling agreed with Mokingo and knew of a guide in Targos that might be able to help.   The party left Bremen towards Targos. Shortly they were joined by Veld's travelling companion Peh'Tar, a juvenile griffon. Not to be outdone, Michael summons his familiar Retar in the form of an artic fox.   The party arrives at Targos and takes in the sights and smells of a major fishing port. The first thing they encounter upon entering town is a human man tied to a post and stripped to the waist. He had died of exposure some days ago and was the latest sacrifice to Auril.   The majority of the party, in an attempt to find out more details about Torg's visited the largest general store in town, Triglio. Veld and Serafin split off to spend an hour fishing. The store's proprietor Jestin, a scarecrow-like fellow who had an oddly wrapped left hand provided information and a new spear for Natali.   Natali, in a bid to acquire more gear to help further fishing endeavors, directed the party to Nat's Nets, a store specializing in fishing nets owned by Natasha the half-orc. More information was gathered and Natali rejoined her friends next door at Three Flags Sailing, a dockside tavern with a plump, gray-haired matron the patrons lovingly refer to as "Ma"   The party gathered at the gates at the appointed hour and shared what information they had attained. Bhur was coerced into questioning the guard more about the murder that had happened in town but was told for details they might seek out Captain Skath down at The Luskan Arms.   Entering The Luskan Arms the party found Captain Skath was in a meeting with the town speaker. They passed the time chatting up the Inn's proprietor Owenn . Veld made a special request of liquor to which the establishment was able to partially fulfil, though it be out of his price range.   Skath eventually descended from his meeting and the party officially met the well armored Tiefling. He was unable to provide much information though as the party belatedly realized they were under instruction to not involve the authorities in their investigation.   Natali performed her wildshape for the party for the first time in an attempt to pick up a scent off the liquor bottle purchased from Torg's. Picking up a few scents husky-Natali took off to find the trail, leaving the party behind to catch up and recover her belongings.   The trail in town was cold, but they managed to pick it up at the gates to the city. Following it east to the fork to Termalaine and Bryn Shander Natali confidently led the party north. For nearly two hours they followed on the day old trail until it veered abruptly off east into the tundra.   Continuing to follow the trail the party started to make slow progress, covering only a meager distance before spotting a group coming towards them from the east. Ever wary the party waiting in hiding as Michael sent Retar to scout ahead while Peh'Tar observed from above.   The travelers, being trappers and hunter by trade, spotted the hidden fox and made a narrow escape. Veld openly greeted the travelers with his new customary greeting of "Hello fish!" The party conversed and determined the travelers not to be their quarry, soon realizing just how far behind they were likely to be. With the day mostly spent they decided to return to the road and continue to Termalaine to investigate rumors of work.   Arriving in Termalaine the party stopped by The Blue Clam for some rest and refreshment. Darmo, a local boy who earns some coin as a news crier, told them the town speaker was looking for capable hands to deal with a closed mine. Luckily they found the town speaker Oarus Masthew dining there as well. He told the party of the job. Some kobolds had overrun one of the nearby gem mines and the workers had fled. He asked them to clear the mine of the kobolds and make sure it was safe for work to resume. He offered 50gp for the clearing of the mine.   After gathering details and taking their fill of the fresh meat the party headed to The Eastside to find rooms for the night. They spoke with the innkeeper Marta and procured lodging for the night. As she returned to her daily chores they heard her singing a tragic song to herself.

Character(s) interacted with

Peh'Tar, Retar, Jestin, Nat, MaSkath, Owenn Tarsenel, Quan, Vernon, Darmo, Oarus Masthew, Marta.

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden
Report Date
18 Feb 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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