Session 22: 30 Minutes to Game Time Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 22: 30 Minutes to Game Time

General Summary

With the ferocity of an invading army who asks no questions and takes no prisoners the party swept through the remainder of the defending duergar. After killing the final defender who had been keeping out of the fight at a sort of last stand chokepoint, the party ransacked his room, finding a couple note that provided more clues and more questions.   After sweeping the rest of the outpost and killing the last remaining prisoner still in its cell the party found there were several individuals not accounted for amongst the bodies, so they decided to sleep in the outpost. During the night absolutely nothing happened as far as they know. In the morning they gathered up the remaining possessions of the dead dwarves and the stolen items and headed back to Caer-Konig.   Back in town they stopped at The Northern Light and found Trovus sleeping in an armchair. They turned over what items were believed to be stolen and explained to the speaker how they had tracked down the petty thieves and killed everyone in their outpost, sending Natali into a bit of a moral panic.   As they explained to Trovus, speaker for Caer Konig and member of the Council of Speakers, about the various sightings of duergar and chardalyn and their suspicions of the duergar getting chardalyn from the frost druids and making them into weapons for the berserker-like humans he quickly decided that a meeting of the council was in order. With haste he and the party set off for Bryn Shander where they sent off summons to the other town speakers for a meeting in two days.   During the two days downtime the party went to a local hot springs where they found very important items that would come up later in the adventure, but that episode was removed from the American release so we'll never know what may have happened there.

This guy definitely didn't know anything about the duergar plot!
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden
Report Date
08 Jul 2021

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