Session 20: Reunions, Goodbyes, and New Meetings Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 20: Reunions, Goodbyes, and New Meetings

General Summary

In the aftermath of the recent death and rebirth of Bhur, Martok, and Peh'Tar the party decides to stay the remainder of the day and night in the cabin. During the night Veld sees a strange pair of lights moving in the darkness some ways away.   As he rouses the party they all hear a banging on one of the doors of the cabin. They find a human man pleading for shelter who they allow into the cabin. As they are interrogating him he speaks of walkers in the snow. Some of the party return to the windows to investigate only to see the lights quite close now and visible approaching the cabin. A fight ensues.   After the fight with these coldlight walkers the party continues their rest with the new stranger Dwayne Lowshade. In the early morning the party sets off to return to Lonelywood, having a rather pleasant and uneventful two day journey. They arrive late on the evening of Midwinter to find Natali in the Ramshackle having a birthday party. Gifts are exchanged, celebrations celebrated. It's found that Serafin left much of her money behind when she went off to reclaim her birthright.   The following day the party sets out for Bryn Shander. When they arrive they split off, some to pick up the armor they had commissioned and the others to finally investigate the House of the Morninglord. Here they found Copper Knobberknocker, servant of Lathander and former friend to Macreadus. They passed on the tale of his fate and his final words.

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden
Report Date
24 Jun 2021

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