Session 25: Welcome to Tier 2 Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 25: Welcome to Tier 2

General Summary

The party completed their inspection of the downed nautilus and rested for the night. In the morning they made to set off back to Bryn Shander but the creature that had been stalking about the ship still lurked. They lured it out with live bait and killed it until it died.   Upon returning to Bryn Shander much of the party scattered to take care of personal business and a few met with their psychic contacts to divine the location of the duergar fortress. With some difficulty the psychics were able to hone in on a massive concentration of chardalyn to the southeast and one was able to divine the exact location. He warned that the fortress was guarded against divination by some powerful dark force.   With a destination finally in their possession everyone went to sleep. Level 5 btw.

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden
Report Date
29 Jul 2021

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