Session 5: Flan Caverns Report

General Summary

It's been a week of R&R for our heroes in the town of Steigs Stand after battling creatures in the Dwarven Vault (Session 4: the killing madness Report). The week was spent living on their treasure, buying supplies (i.e., healing potions) from the apothecary, and practicing spells: (Brimble Knackles has mastered Invisibility and Rope Trick!)   Spending so much time in the pub has garnered no small amount of village goss: Kogas the Carpentar who might have been involved with the wererat seems to know nothing of Illyana's moonlighting, including acting as Knights of the Watch runner and carpenter's assistant. Those barbarians that Falkas spoke with seem to be one of many contingents from various baronies making their way to Thornward at Margrave Larrangin's request. Wogan Nettlebat, miserly halfing and owner of Nettlebat's Supplies has been accusing various Steigs residents of stealing a Nettlebat family heirloom. And, just last night, Randis Rockwell, a Knights of the Watch captain came to Falkas with a request. The Lord Commander, Splendid Unicorn Ywain Artos, asked Falkas and his colleagues to accompany the Watch to a local ambush site where bandits spoke of a wererat. Falkas gladly agreed.   On the morrow our heroes accompanied Jedda, a Watch member, to the ambush site, a nice morning walk to the northwest of Steigs into the valley. Along the way it was apparent that Jedda was ill. He had a yellow-white chalkiness about his face and began stumbling and acting irrational by midday. By the time they made it to the ambush site Jedda was a gibbering fool, acting aggressive and lashing out. The heroes tied him up and Falkas tried to soothe his troubled mind with the light of Heironeous, but to no avial. It seems the chalky substance was all over Jedda, under his clothes, everywhere. Falkas and Thomen Jax took him to the river 5 minutes down the track where Falkas stripped the man and found the yellow-white powdery substance was actually taking over his flesh, transforming him, as it were. By this time Jedda was raving mad, screaming, and wild-eyed. Falkas, seeing no other recourse, plunged his sword into Jedda's chest to end the man's misery. Thomen was shocked beyond words. To kill a Watch member was a serious crime. Without much else to do, they buried Jedda in a pile of rocks near the river and returned to their colleagues.   Following foot tracks from the ambush site the party made it to a cavern system by the late afternoon. The entrance cave was guarded, but quick bow work by Mitsu despatched two guards, letting the party enter the cavern in secret. Inside they found both natural caverns and dressed dungeon corridors. Thomen was sure these must be ancient Flan ruins.   There were also bandits, humans and half-orcs. Their casual demeanour, and the freshly poached gar in the mess, suggested they felt no threats, and the heroes caught them with their guard down. A battle was fought across multiple rooms and corridors, some bandits managed to move through passages into flanking positions, others charged down corridors, a spellcaster emerged from a chamber. However, in the end Mitsu's arrows, Falkas's sword, Brimble's illusions, and Thomen's dogged determination sent the bandits to their doom.   All but one. A comely half-orc bandit leader emerged to taunt the party, drawing them out and into slim passages. She offered them information and safety if they would simply leave her be.

Rewards Granted

Bandits x 9: 225
Cult Fanatic x 1: 450
Bandits Captain x 1: 450
    Total per PC/NPC: 282

Outside the Flan Caverns

The March of Bissel Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Report Date
26 Mar 2022
Primary Location
Steigs Stand

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