The March of Bissel Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Lands of Greyhawk
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  • Bissel Overview
    Anna Meyer's map of Bissel (CY 598)
Supporting Cast
  • Axbury
    Dusultory low ranking member of the Knights of the Watch.
  • Beltreed Wireteeth
    A deep gnome who trades in information to all parties, and with no questions asked.
  • Brynnwythlinmardcaladog
    A bard from the barbarians of the north, his song is his weapon (literally)
  • Finn
    A dwarven forge cleric of Belredd, a good cook, and handy with an axe
  • Commander of Ironwall Keep Garret DuBois
    A former commander, broken, but trying to find closure, by killing his old enemies.
  • Gasser Shinebright
    A shrewd representative of the Thornward Miner's Guild. He has a wooden leg and a soft-spot for cats.
  • Herm Twoforms
    A fairly mad hermit who lives in the Barrier Peaks. He demands to be listened to. It's a wonder he's still alive.
  • Kisset Alwin
    A pleasant woman who runs an apothecary in Steigs Stand.
  • Kogas the Carpentar
    A young man, sturdy, but perhaps naive.
  • Marcus Wrathbone
    Owner of the Steigs Rest, an Inn and taproom.
  • Oroth
    Low ranking member of the Knights of the Watch
  • Randis Rockwell
    A Knights of the Watch captain
  • Blacksmith's Apprentice Rathello McDiggers
    A slender teen boy, with thick, wavy brown hair whose freckled cheeks frame a wide, toothy smile on his face. He seems eager to please and is incapable of standing still.
  • Rivine
    A half-elf barbarian fo the Barony of the Horsehills, rejected by her people, out in the world to find her way.
  • Rogmesh
    Devious, intelligent, and ambitious.
  • Esquire Thomen Jax
    Rugged, but not terribly deep, Thomen does not yet know what he wants in life, but is good to have as an ally.
  • Ulgar the Barbarian
    Missing an eye, but this hasn't lessened his intense stare. From the Barony of the Horsehills.
  • Whastle Fletcher
    The son of rich Thornward merchants, Whastle is a gossip and a middling artist dabbling in nature walks, botanical collecting and painting. He treasures and trades in gossip. His cousin is a senior advisor to Margrave Larrangin.
  • Splendid Unicorn Ywain Artos
    A no-nonsense man who works 9-5. He always returns a favour.
  • Zeke Snowmelt
    Zeke has seen a lot, not all of it real, the scar across his face that has taken one eye suggests he's seen some troubles. Zeke is a soothsayer, and not all he predicts will come about, but all of it is true.

Sessions Archive

21st May 2023

Session 28:

Read the Report
7th May 2023

Session 26: Southward to the Brigands!

Read the Report
2nd May 2023

Session 25: Think of the Children!

Read the Report
29th Apr 2023

Session 24: damsel in distress!

Read the Report
31st Mar 2023

Session 23: Acid Trip

Read the Report
26th Feb 2023

Session 22: The Plunge

Read the Report
12th Jan 2023

Session 21: Duergar Redux

Read the Report
29th Dec 2022

Session 20: picking up the pieces

Read the Report
12th Dec 2022

Session 19: the Killer instinct

Read the Report
7th Dec 2022

Session 18: Lord of the Pies!

Read the Report
12th Oct 2022

Session 16: journey to the Cliff of Eyes

Read the Report
29th Aug 2022

Session 15: Small Town Politics

Read the Report
21st Aug 2022

Session 14: Argus Defeated!

Read the Report
16th Aug 2022

Session 13: Argus Found!

Read the Report
26th Jul 2022

Session 12: Breaking & Entering the Everwood

Read the Report
13th Jul 2022

Session 10: the road home

Read the Report
10th Jul 2022

Session 9: Duergar Standoff!

Read the Report
5th Jul 2022

Session 8: a dwarven mine, or...

Read the Report
14th Jun 2022

Session 7: Delving the Darkness

Read the Report
11th Apr 2022

Session 6: transported!

Read the Report
26th Mar 2022

Session 5: Flan Caverns

Read the Report
8th Feb 2022

Session 4: the killing madness

Read the Report
3rd Feb 2022

Session 3: which way the wind blows?

Read the Report
29th Dec 2021

Session 2: Evil Below

What lurks beneath Garan's shop?

Read the Report
12th Dec 2021

Session 1: Steigs Stand

Three adventurers with various ties find themselves in Steigs Stand for the night.

Read the Report

This story is told by

Watch the campaign live on Twitch

The Protagonists



Brimble Knackles

Jolee Bindo
