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Session 4: the killing madness Report

General Summary

Our heroes continued on to the Dwarven Vault after their encounter with renegade orcs (Session 3: which way the wind blows? Report). They made the vault by late afternoon and chose to camp nearby before entering on the morrow. All was quiet in camp, but Brimble Knackles's Alarm spell indicated that humanoids entered the vault in the night.   With sun at their backs they crossed the Blue River and climbed the short scree slope to the camp outside the vault. All was seemingly as they left it a day ago: corpses of dwarves and monsters strewn about, the two death dogs lay where they were slain. Or were they? Perhaps some creature had been here?   Gil flew down the cave entrance and Brimble used the owl's site to reconnoiter the passage. This was an old cavern system with collapsed tunnels leading from the main branch, and signs of death were abundant: trails of blood and gore, some fresh, some a week or more old. Soon the party came to a great fissure with the bottom lost in darkness. Two steel beams crossed the fissure and after tying ropes to themselves the party crossed one by one.   In the next chamber, a dwarven hall of cut and fitted stone, Gil could see several gnolls fighting each other and numerous dead creatures strewn about the room. Two rubble filled passages and a wide clear hallway led away from the place. After a minute, a single Gnoll remained as he had gutted his comrades. The heroes, led by Mi'tsuru'gi, snuck down the hall and attacked the gnoll from range. The dog-beast lept over a pile of his comrades to attack, but he was quickly laid low with arrows sticking from his chest.   The entrance to this hall of death seems to have been recently uncovered as indicated by rock rubble at the entrance. The dwarves who recently returned here must have broken though into this hall from working the caverns. The clear hallway led to a chamber with imposing dwarven statues, and a hint of song. But in the hallway were the bodies of a bugbear and dwarf, both sliced by sharp blades and showing burns across their forms. After some thought, Brimble took a step into hallway. Immediately the stone he stood upon lowered and scythe-like blades erupted from the walls, while lighting bolts shot from niches on either side. Quick-footed, Brimble avoided the bolts, but earned a nasty cut from a blade. After setting the trap, it was relatively easy to disable.   The statue of a dark elf beside a (real) rippling, black pool dominated the centre of the room, and 10' tall dwarven statues stood in each corner. As the heroes approached they could hear song emanating from the statue, but before much could be made of it, an adolescent Chuul rose from the pool and immediately attacked Falkas . A fierce battle erupted, the ancient crustacean had both Falkas and Thomen Jax in it's pincers. Sword blows, spells, and arrows, however, laid it low. During the battle Thomen felt a power from the pool becloud his mind, but he was able to resist whatever dark magic issued forth.   Once the creature was dead, the heroes noticed two chests, one to either side of the statue. Brimble cast mage hand to open a chest and when the spectral appendage did so the chest lowered on a pressure plate -- a trap! From the dwarven statue mouths issued yellow gas, a poison, that filled the room. Only Thomen suffered from this as he stood next to a statue. Once the poison gas disipated, the heores peered in the chest (and the other) to see coins of all kinds and gems, a trove! Also, a black blanket or drapery of some unknown material was tossed to the floor at the back of the room. Brimble took this.   After a night spent in the shadow of Goldpeak, the party travelled overland to the Thawr-Shakara road and headed into Steigs Stand. Before they arrived a Knights of the Watch patrol came upon them from the south. Captain Randis Rockwell spoke of an orc band that the patrol had killed, all but four that ran. It seems likely these were the orcs that attacked the party two days prior.   Back at The Rest, Marcus Wrathbone provided warm food and cool drink for the party. Strangely, a host of barbarians from the Horsehills were in Steigs, seemingly on their way to Thornward at the request of Margrave Larrangin. Falkas had tried to pry more information from the drinking horsemen in the pub, but they were tight lipped.   Over the next week, the party ate well, and slept better. The treasure was divided to fill their pockets and purchase potions to revitalize. Brimble discovered that the black drapery (10' x 10') was magical and whatever shrouded by it makes not a sound. He also added new spells to his repertoire. Falkas was overcome by nightly dreams of evil in the lands and decided to dedicate his life to Heironeous and destroy evil wherever it lies.   A week has passed and a runner from Keep Maintenance has requested the party accompany a knight patrol to an ambush spot where clues to wererat Illyana's purpose may be found. That and Splendid Unicorn Ywain Artos has promised the party 100 gold for their aid.

Rewards Granted

Gnoll Flesh Gnawer x 1: 200
"Immature" Chuul x 1: 400
Discovering the source of madenss: 200
  Total XP per PC: 200

Falkas  and Thomen Jax battle the creature...

The March of Bissel Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Report Date
11 Feb 2022
Primary Location


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