Session 24: Damsel in distress! Report

General Summary

The companions now numbered only two as they left the dragon’s lair. While they had driven the black drake from its cavern, they had lost two of their number to its acid breath. The dragon’s hoard was small consellation as they made the three day journey back to Steigs.   The village was a somewhat joyless place for Mi'tsuru'gi and Brimble Knackles . They spent a day or two at the Inn, recuperating, listening, and trying to distance themselves from Whastle Fletcher. They visited Kisset Alwin's apothecary, she was still absent from the village, but her cousin Oven Blackstone minded the shop and was able to sell a few healing potions.   Back at the Inn all was hustle and bustle. A company of barony troops had billeted in town and several squads of Knights of the Dispatch were travelling north through Steigs. A few barbarians of the Horsehills were there as well and the crowded Inn did not give much respite to our companions. One drunken soldier leaving the Inn bumped into the Brimble and dropped a parchmen at the gnome’s feet. He quickly pocketed the paper and later puzzled over its contents. It appeared to be a map of the area with strange runes distributed around the perimeter. A visit to Zeke Snowmelt on the outskirts of the village helped interpret the paper. The map showed some Flan standing stones a half day east of Steigs and a ruined watchtower beyond that, a remnant of the Keoland wars some 300 years ago. Heraldry in the middle of the map was that of Lord Gregor, a noble family of long ago from the northern Sheldomar Valley.   The elf and the gnome thanked Zeke and resolved to travel to the stones and tower that day. By the afternoon they had reached the Flan stones and encountered a hunter from Steigs, Travell Wintonstone. He has no news of the forest, and was just travelling home. Travell left and the area from which Travell had emerged had strange markings on the ground, the grass flattened in ways odd for a man.   Within an hour the two were at the ruined tower and quikly found a cave entrance beneath ruined flagstones at the base. Entering the cavern they discovered a gnome skeleton, a long dead adventurere perhaps. Clearing moss from the walls Mitsu revealed a door in the stone with Gregor’s heraldry and runes matching those from the map. Mitsu pressed his hand against a rune on the door corresponding to the lowermost rune on the map and the door moved apart to reveal a stone hallway with two doors in each wall and another at the end of the corridor. Each door had a circle of runes on it that seemed to match some runes on the map. By pressing the correct rune each door revealed the chamber beyoind.   A hallway with five doors was revealed to our heroes. They entered this hallway and through cunning, intelligence and daring, they defeated a living column in the adjacent shrine, skeletons in an abandoned room, a poisoned chest and a terra cotta golem guard. Finally, they reached the inner tomb and released Lady Gregor from her eons of torment.

Rewards Granted

1 x Crypt Thing: 2900 1 x terra cotta golem: 700 1 x Caayatid Column: 450 3 x skeletons: 150   Total XP per PC: 2100

Lady Gregor, Freed!

The March of Bissel Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Report Date
29 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Steigs Stand

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