Session 26: Southward to the Brigands! Report

General Summary

Our companions had spent the week in rest and recuperation after the chilling discoveries of the hag coven: Kisset Alwin likely dead, children of Steigs eaten alive, a Nighthag escaped, so they could be forgiven quiet downtime in Steigs Rest even though evil still stalked the land.   On a mild early Coldeven evening Mi'tsuru'gi, Brimble Knackles, and Brynn were in The Rest, enjoying a late afternoon meal when an argument broke out at the bar. After some raised voices, a cloaked man withdrew a long dagger and stabbe his interlocutor, who stumbled backwards and fell to the floor, dead. The cloaked man strode from the bar to leave, but Brynn blocked his way and demande to know by what right he could take a man's life. The cloaked man revealed himslelf to be Lorcan Harpkiss, a cardplayer and occaisonal patron of Steigs Rest, and known to Marcus Wrathbone. He took the man's life as he believed him to be an agent of Iuz and working to wreck the caravan trade in the northern Sheldomar Valley. Lorcan has a particular interest in such trade, but would not elaborate. Marcus, too, seemed to give Lorcan the benefit of the doubt.   Before too much could be made of this, a stranger entered The Rest and ordered from the bar. Listening to the dying conversation he asked nervously if anyone would like to accompany him and his wagon of ale (Utreshimon Pale) to the city of Shaeja for the festival of Bo. Given the apparent danger of southward travel, Enrillian was willing to pay each of the companions 50 gp. Thinking this might be a good way to travel south (closer to the Vale of the Mage), the companions accepted and left in the morning.   The early day's travel was uneventful, but in the afternoon two wounded travellers on the Ward Way staggered toward the party. A goblin attack some few hundred feet behind us, they cried and within moments the party too was under attack. Goblins attacked from the woods and hobgoblins loosed arrows from a nearby hill, but the companions soon defeated the goblinoids with little injury to themselves, altough one of the travellers fell from a hobgoblin arrow.   Another two days and nights on the road saw the companions to Thawr, but not before a nighttime wererat attack on Finn standing watch beside the caravan. In Thawr the company rested at The Twisted Maze, an Inn of fair repute run by landlord Liam Fauntleroy. The company spent a restful evening in soft beds and learned of the many men lost in Cullen Drae to the bandits, talk of an old lizard king fairy tale (?), and again of the old man tha preceeds bandit raids.   Off to Truelight in the morning; there's ale to deliver.

Rewards Granted

Goblins x 6: 300
Hobgoblin x 2: 200
Wererat x 2: 450
  total per PC: 200 (rounded up)

Character(s) interacted with

Lorcan Harpkiss
Liam Fauntleroy

Goblinoid attack en route to Thawr

The March of Bissel Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Report Date
07 May 2023
Primary Location
Steigs Stand
Secondary Location

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