Coming of Age Report

Rewards Granted


Hukum (Will H)

  • get a choice of either and action point or a prestige point
  • given out for revealing a character flaw and tieing some of your story into some of the world info (you used the trainers of the academy in your role play)


  • gets both an action point and a prestige point
  • given for the detail and creativity of her role play (also gave me an idea for a tie in with her and Bruce [see notes below]


  • You don't have to but if you want to come up with a little write-up (reflections at the coming of age ceremony) you can reward yourselves with both an action point and a prestige point

Clarification on the Monster Component: Mist Drake

  • you can use these components to craft magic items with one or more of the following themes: Natural armor, Strength, Draconic, Aquatic or Mist/Fog

Treasure from Slaver Agents

  • +1 Breast Plate - Will
  • +1 Scimitar - Chris
  • Cloak of Resistance +1 - Jaana
  • Bracers of Armor +1 - Richard
  • +1 Temple Sword - Will
  • Ring of Protection +1 - Chris
  • 32 gold pieces
  • Potion Cure Light Wounds - Gord
  • Potion Cure Moderate Wounds - Geron
  • Potion of Bulls Strength - Jaana
  • Potion of Eagles Splendor - 
  • Potion protection from Good
  • Scroll Comprehend Languages - Gerron
  • Scroll of Lesser Restoration - Richard
  • Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges) - Eric

Missions/Quests Completed


  As the characters return to Helix the ceremony convinces. A yearly celebration which brings all in the region to the village square. Food and revelry are plentiful with the PCs being the centre of attention. As they stand upon the constructed stage regaled by recollections of challenges overcome to make to this ceremony as well as challenges for the future. The weight of the moment is not wasted on the PCs as the reflect.  

Jaana Vesuri

Though not part of the ceremony (her time will come next year), she swells with pride over her sister and her friends which have become like an extended family.
  • FREYA - though she often causes her sister grief is out of love and she feels pride in her
  • BRUCE & DJANGO - never having brothers she imagine they would be like them
  • DEN WITHERTONGUE - though she has darker side Jaana is still a little girl enraptured by thoughts of unicorns and fey. She has begun to develop a school girl crush on the Elf.
  • ANNIE - trips over herself over someone of such nobility and high class (she herself would like to be a princess one day)
  • YVAINE - it is not a secret that Jaana sees/talks to dead people, some village folk sees this as witchcraft. Jaana vows not to judge the young witch for her vocation
  • PEJAB - a little standoffish with the Dwarf due to his gruff nature and often encourages him to try and get a long with his sister (they're the best)
  • HUKUN - Like Pejab he is a little off-putting to the young girl but as with how she see Yvaine she feel his isolation.
Also during the ceremony the Medium also witnesses the dead observing the ceremony. Annie Mother, Djangos father and strange female halfing spirit brimming with pride over Bruce. Her powers aren't great enough yet to interact with spirits such as them.  

Freya Vesuri

  • confides with Jaana the mutual respect which they share after the ceremony

Django Dill

  • Give thanks to the villagers for taking him in and vows to return their kindness a hundred fold
  • also told during the ceremony that another Caravan Dill is expected to pass through the area in the several weeks where he can rejoin his clan

Den Withertongue

  • as the PCs socialize and reminisce about their recent adventures he confides that he would like to rid Neverland of Cpt. Hook take over his ship and sail the world
  • many of his friends agree on a desire to return that fey domain


  • finally feels to be accepted in the village, prior her only friend was the village idiot Alaster the Village Idiot
  • one thing that she realizes that most don't is the insane former adventurer turned vagabond is a wealth of information though it can be difficult to discern fact from fiction through his psychosis
  • she is a little sadden the her patron Hura didn't come to the ceremony (instead the witch sent her crow familiar to observe - see "characters interacted with" below for more on Hura

Pejab Testof

  • he sees the ceremony just a not for him but another feather in the cap for his Clan - one step closer and them regaining the prominence
  • he confides in his friend his desire to enter the Barrowmaze - and hopes that the dragon Ossithrax absence from the tithing means the dragon is truly gone
  • it somewhere within its depth lies redemption for his clan - but may have to wait to see if the dragon returns at next years tithing ceremony


  • still feels marginalize and alone despite the praise heaped upon him during the ceremony
  • he hopes that through his group of friends he can find purpose.

Something Fishy in Fisherton

  • before searching for the tower base of the Slave Lords the PCs decide to follow the lead of the priestess and her bodyguard from the wagon train who veered off from the encampment of the Orcs and Mist Drake
  • on the way the characters encounter some sheep herders who regale the characters of the exploits of the priestess in helping make the lives of the hamlet better
  • the PCs rightly deduce that the village folk may be enthralled so they proceed to Fisherton with caution
  • their plan: to convince the priestess and her bodyguard that soldiers of the sherrif Ironguard are on the lookout for them (and when they leave the players will follow them to the secret base of the slavers)
  • while in the village they pass by a meditating monk along the beach in which they try to get him to hears their ruse - their bluff fails alerting the agent of the Slave Lords
  • the characters then make their way to the hamlet leaders house where the priesetess is having breakfast with him, his wife and their children
  • negotiations quickly break down with the priestess as Freya convinces the hamlet residents of her ill intent and a battle ensues
  • the PCs superior numbers and tactics win the day - however both Slaver agents are killed in the battle and no intelligence can be garnered
  • through talking to the hamlet residents the PCs are able to parse out the most likely location of the slaver base - Falcons Peak

Onward Hoe to Falcons Peak

  • on the way to the Slavers encampment the characters come across an Owl Bear which is quickly brought down
  • after examining the wounds it inflicts it becomes evident that this was the type of creature which has been plaguing the farmers of the domain
  • a day or so of journeying into the hills the characters spot Falcons Peak in the distance
  • Django surmises that such a structure must contain many troops - perhaps too many for the party
  • but on careful reconnaissance the party makes out a cave entrance below the peak (you can make it out in the picture below)

Character(s) interacted with


Othar of St. Murlynd

The PCs come clean to Helixes spiritual leader (and defacto sherrif) about them tracking down the slavers and slaying of the drake and how the tithing was unusual (but kept Neverland a secret). The war wary priest expresses great concern.
  • he had fought the slave lords in the crusades in the Pomarj - there recent failures in the Wild Coast must have forced the miscreant to go further north in search of their living prizes
  • he tasks the PCs with going to Castle Hawkmoor to infor Herzon Gorp of these developments
  • in regards to Ossithrax the tithing Dragon he also reveals that he shares the party view that the beast may no longer be in play
  • Othar had tasked Mazzah the wizard to use his observatory (see Helix) to track sighting of the dragon (sort of an early warning system) - and the beast hasn't been seen in months


As the Coming of Age ceremony comes to a close and the townsfolk return to their homes, the crow familiar beckons the PCs to follow it back to Hura's hut, where he hag confronts the characters with the theft of her items.   Yvaine, immediately comes clean and let the witch know about their adventures in Neverland.
  • surprising the hag isn't angry in fact proud of the actions of cleverness of the children
  • that being said she hails from prison and take  Zylbina the Great Mother laws seriously
  • she says the "reciprocity" the PCs owe her is a quest of a nature and time to be determined (if it's your player turn to choose party direction you can choose this)


  • the Herzog is shocked at the presence of slavers within his domain
  • having been at the coming of age ceremony - he sees this as a test for the newly christened adults
  • he worries that it might be too dangerous so he sends them into a direction where he believes the slavers aren't hold up
  • this is in error - in fact the slavers chose the location for just that reason


Shake the Disease

  • part of Yvaines role play was a story how she used mystic herbs that her witch patron wanted to use for one purpose but instead the young witch used them to heal a person in need of a disease
  • in discussion with the group Bruce (Ethans character) reveals his scar (looking like a hindu 3rd eye) and confirms that the disease Yvain healed was one and the same that gave him the mark
  • I'll be adding more to the is lore soon
  Capital Idea
  • just a reminder you can use Capital for skill bonuses

Domains of Greyhawk

Gordon Lyle

-Level Barbarian 1
Report Date
14 May 2023

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