Part 1 - Pirate Cache

Rewards Granted

From previous session (listed hear for a completeness)

  • 3x doses of Giant Poisonous Frog Venom - taken from discovered bodies of Frogs which were previously killed by pirates)
  • 2x Blackpowder Pistol with 40 rounds of shot - found at pirate storage site in the jungle of neverland (additional one found this session)
  • Wand of Cure Light Wounds (10 charges) - taken from Hags Hut (Yvaines - Erics characters mother)
  • Wand of Light (10 charges) - taken from Hags Hut (note Yvaine has used some charges this session)
  • Wand of Resurgence (10 charges) - taken from Hags Hut
  • an unkown scroll, wand and a potion - taken from the Hags Hut (note she's known to have cursed items)
  • 2 Prestige Points (more on later during next sesstion) - for subduing the Lost Boys and saving (flipping the turtles over)
Rewards this session
  • 4x Shocker Lizard Eggs
  • 2x Axebeak mounts
  • 300 gold worth of Shocker Lizard Monster Components - can be used to craft items with Electricity motiff
  • Smees Journal (see related reports below)
  • 40 capital each Capital: Goods (in the form Iron ore and mining supplies)
  • Web Armor (Cost: 750 gold; Max Dex +8; AC penalty -1; Arcane Failure 10%; Speed Reduce: none; Weight 5lbs
  • Web Combat Net (+2 to escape DC - see net)
  • Web Whip (+2 on disarm attempts and to prevent from being disarmed)

Missions/Quests Completed


  Throughout the Cave
  • in several areas in the cave veins or iron are found
Shocker Lizard Lair
  • Smee (first mate of the Jolly Roger) was smart enough to build a cache by a shocker lizards lair. The creatures are diurnal (day dwelling) and provide a free trap while the pirates are in their skeletal forms
  • after short battle the PCs emerge victorious
  • unused potential - while the shocker lizard was convulsing and arcing electricity for rounds after the death the characters could have thrown it in the water tunnel to get rid of the giant amoebas dwelling there (I mention this to demonstrate that I do encourage outside the box and sometimes rules thinking)
The Water Tunnel
  • the Shocker Lizard lair had a large (5x5 ft basin of water) fed from a flow which came from a submerge tunnel
  • within the submerged tunnel were a few giant amoebas
Bat Cave
  • a side cave had a bat swarm kept from spreading through the complex by webbing put up by the intelligent spider allies of the pirates
Pirate Sleeping Cave
  • 16 skeletons of pirates lying in sleeping bags are littered throughout this cavern
  • characters discover that the pirates while skeletons (during the day) are surrounded by stasis field which means they can't be moved or effected by anything
Axebeak Pins
  • raptor like giant birds complete with saddle and riding gear held in a pit
  • Bruce Penrdrel figured out the planks in the ground level part of the cavern were used as ramps to get the axebeaks out
  • the Axe Beak are potent but wild mounts (thus why pirates kept them in the pit)
  • Django Dill used speak with animal to get some information (see characters interacted with below)
  Ore Processing Area
  • an area containing copious amounts of ore, mining tools, logs (to brace tunnels) and sifters for the ore
  • the logs would come in handy later in cocoon cave
Stirge Lair
  • like the bats above; these blood sucking abberations were held in check and used as a trap by the Ettercap's webbing
  • characters manage to defeat them with only minor damage
The Cocoon Cave
  • a giant chamber with a dozen or so cocoons suspended from the ceiling which range in size from small to medium size creatures some twitching some not
  • those that were undulating lightly contain Adeherer's (captured victims transformed into creatures that stick and have anything touch them stuck)
  • Adherer's are created by a process of Ettercaps slow piercing the skull of the victim with its maniples injecting a intellgent draining poison to make compliant while simultaneously applying webbing around the victim which acts as a second skin
  • the cocoons twitching violently were victims who hadn't yet fully been transformed - desperate to be freed when they heard the PCs
  • it would be discovered that the cocoons which where still were of dead bodies (failed to make the transition to adherer's and kept as a food source)
  • clever use of the logs in the ore processing area allowed the PCs to examine the cocoons
Ettercap's Chamber
  • unfortunately the PCs efforts to free the cocoon victims aroused the Ettercap in its lair who immediately attacked
  • the spider fiend had a swarm of spiders at his beck and call which he used to release the cocoons contain the Adherer's
  • an effort cut short by Django Dill cast an entangle spell using the roots of the jungle from above to hold the majority of the Adherer cocoon in check
  • an epic battle brought the Ettercap low in no small thanks to the bow and axe work of Bruce Pendrel, Den Withertongue and Pejab
  • their efforts were greatly aided by the healing spells of their new Piskie ally, the hexes of Yvaine thrwarting the enemy attacks and the interference (aid other actions) of Jaana
Main Mining Site
  • large deposits of coal surrounded by numerous mining implements with skeletons of pirates frozen in midwork
  • centre of the room is a large work table with papers spread out over it and skeleton which is dressed markedly different from the pirates
  • the central figure is Smee the first mate of the "Jolly Roger" and apparent headforeman of the pirate miners
  • the papers in front of him are schedules, inventories and a journal (see related reports below)
  • in the western corner of the room is a deep mine shaft

Character(s) interacted with

Axebeaks (via Speak with Animals)

  • native predators to the island - domesticated by pirates who don't treat them particulariy well
  • in addition to being used as mounts they're used as pack animal hauling processed ore from various sights to the beach to be brought to the Jolly Roger
  • the poisoning circulating through their brains lowers their intelligence to a child like level (a child with anger issues)
  • reveals a few things during the battle
  • "Ahh more victims to add to my brood of Adherants!"
  • "Maybe this treaty with pirates is worthwhile after all."
  • In its dying breaths; "You may have defeated me, but the aranidia is legion.  Prey that we don't find your world."

Related Reports

  • Part II of this report "The Hideaway" is still pending


Smees Journal still needs to be read in full

Domains of Greyhawk

Django Dill

-Level Druid 4
Report Date
07 Apr 2023
Primary Location

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