By Hook and By Crook - Part I

General Summary

After the PCs recuperate in the Lost Boys "Home Underground" they begin to prepare their assault on the Jolly Roger versus Cpt. Hook and his pirate crew.

Rewards Granted

  • Prestige Points = 1 per character
  • Action Points = 2 per character or 200 capital (characters choice) OR 1 and 100
  • Prestige 5 point reward access - Ritual: Finding Neverland (Peter Pan so happy with how the raid goes he offers you opportunity to learn how to visit in the future)
  • Prestige 3 point reward access - Access the Hollow Tree Network - requires a full-round action to activate (while playing with the Lost Boys they give you hints on how to use their island travel network)
  • Prestige 5 point reward access - Cohort: Piskie (Jaana and Freya only)
  • Prestige 10 point reward access - Attribute Increase Charisma +1 (the joy and wonder of being in Never Land has a lasting effect on you)
  • Prestige 8 point reward access - Gain the Lost Boy Template
  • Prestige 8 point reward access (for Jaana, Freya or Bruce only) - gain Changeling Bloodline
NOTE ON PRESTIGE REWARD ACCESS Once you have access to a prestige reward at any downtime point time you can spend prestige points to gain access to it. Only characters who were present in Neverland can have these (so that's everyone except Will H.)   Note: more access rewards will be available at beginning of next session from your affiliations/allegiances, so don't spend any prestige points until we discuss.

Missions/Quests Completed


Investigating the Vine Tableaus and Questions of the Chime Hours

  • Each day, at the first and last moment of direct sunlight (6am and 6pm), the gentle sound of chimes can be heard across the island. No one knows the source, and most avoid speaking of it. Strange things happen during the 6 minutes of chiming and most avoid speaking of that as well. The effects of the chime differ depending on where you are on the island
  • in the hex of the Pirate Jungles mines the chimes produced dancing lights seen all over the main mountain of island (what they portend is unknown).
  • in the "Home Underground" of the Lost Boys the chiming causes the roots in the ceiling of the cave to depict pictomgrams and tableaus of the islands fauna
Pejab and Den took extra time to study the root sculptures and learned about two of the islands inhabitants (which they confirmed with the Lost Boys) - the Grey Coneys and "the" shadow and his fellow severed shadows.   Grey Coneys
  • Small gray rabbit. Leaves a trail of smoke behind it as a safety mechanism and is nonviolent. Reproduces quickly.
  • Its feet are said to be lucky (grant use of an action point - 3 charges)
  • its ears ward against smoke and flame
  • The Lost Boys do hunt them from time to time for their components but mention they "Always ask for permission from the Coney (as many animals on the island are "awakened". If they don't answer back the Lost boys see them as fair game
The Shadow
  • Little is known about the Shadow. Perhaps it was born from a missing fragment when Wendy rejoined Peter with his own shadow. Or maybe this is the entity that separated the two in the first place.
  • thrives in the light
  • PERSONALITY TRAITS-Insane-Reckless and violent-
  • Communicates through a learned mixture of animalistic grunts and shrieks
  • Can drastically alter its form
  • IDEALS - chaos is only natural
  • BONDS - Free the shadows
  • FLAWS-Violent beyond reason
  • Can find it's way into almost anywhere
  • Can create severed shadow - When the shadow of a living creature is freed, it retains its silhouette but loses most of its intelligence and inhibitions. A Severed Shadow only follows its primitive instincts and seeks sunlight. Only The Shadow seems to know how to liberate shadows from their casters.


Bruce Pendral took his time to review Smees journal which provided several revelations.
  • schedules for mining, cache and Jolly Roger operations (during the later battle with the pirates Shmee reveals these have been changed - can't get one up on him)
  • some personal musings from Shmee which give insight into his character
Mining Operations
  • the main mining operations are taking place in an ancient abandoned Dwarven mine/settlement
  • purpose other than normal wealth is to gain cold iron - which can break through faeries damage reduction (including Peter Pan and Tinkerbells)
  • the area is extremely dangerous and have the pirates on edge
  • mentions of various underdark creatures and undead dwarves are mentioned
  • Shmee keeps on referencing "the fundamentals" and "they aren't just against us but against each other, it would appear"
The Caches The pirates have starting making secret lairs starting in the hex where the main mine is located for the following reasons:
  • they've decided to expand their influence inland
  • to see mine veins of iron in areas less dangerous than the dwarven ruins (with limited success)
  • a hiding place for when they revert to their immovable skeleton forms during the day
Ettecap Allies
  • made to help protect pirates interests during the day and to add extra muscle
  • has been tenuous at times due to alien mindset of the Ettercaps
  • Hook has promised the spider creatures passage to the real world during their rare forays there
Insights Into Smee
  • the journal itself reveals much of Smee character


  • Yvaine played with the the Lost Boys while her rat familiar searched the "Home Underground"
  • Freya also played with the Lost Boys gathering much information including insights into Lost Boys and the Great Mother Sibalyne (see characters interacted with)
  • during the course of play it was discovered that some of the Lost Boys were originally from the Helix region - when pressed if they would like to go home the empathically declined
  • they also mentioned that several children who didn't have what it takes were sent to Sibalyne to become one of her adopted children including a boy name Bargle


  • Both Jaana and Django used their class abilities for gain and to impress the Lost Boys
  • Django made some potions enlisting the aid of the feral kids (imagine having a group of toddlers help you in the kitchen)
  • Jaana performed a séance and gathered a spirit into which had the Lost Boys trying to scare each other with horror stories afterwards


  • when Yvaine found the opportunity to distract the Lost Boys during play she sent her rat familiar to scout out the home underground
  • the "Home Underground" is located under the root system of a massive tree
  • the transport root tubes seem to branch off in many directions - indicating that each can reach multiple directs
  • the hallways branching off from the main area are laden with pit traps (not a problem for the Lost Boys who can fly)
  • only managed to search the "story room" and the "junk room" (see map - click on labels for discription)
The Home Underground
Lair of the Lost Boys & Peter Pan

Character(s) interacted with

  • Peter Pan
  • The Lost Boys

Related Reports

By Hook and By Crook - Part II

Domains of Greyhawk

Gordon Lyle

-Level Barbarian 1
Report Date
20 Apr 2023

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