Dawn Rift

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Neverine
| Looking for Players


  • Dawn Rift
    The continents of Dawn Rift.
Supporting Cast
  • Dryden Keldi
    Tall, thin, black haired, and long nosed, Dryden is the ruler of Black Water Haven.
  • Durnan
    Durnan is the owner and proprietor of the Yawning Portal.
  • Jarle Frostulf
    A blonde haired, blue eyed human, the Jarle Frosulf is the tribal leader of the settlement of Genbach. A kind, and quiet leader, he is loved by his people and protected by Jirand "The Boulder".
  • Jirand "The Boulder" Storn
    Jirand "The Boulder" Storn is even big for other Goliaths. Surprisingly, his voice is rather high pitch and he has an almost comical accent {German}. Despite his size, The Boulder is kind of heart and willing to risk his lives for his friends.
  • Noca Qintoris
    A stout male elf who lives in the city of Faymere.
  • Rakham
    Covered in tattoos and ever shirtless, Rakham is about as well behaved as the sea he lives on. Ever the First Mate, his pink mohawk and rippled muscles demand more order than the Captain.
  • Ruford Ross
    Tricky is the first mate aboard the Kilgarven and loyal to Captain Grey Beard. A tall human, he commands the respect of the other crew members and handles all matters ashore for his Captain.
  • Thornycroft "Grey Beard" Walthorn
    Thornycroft "Grey Beard" is the smuggler captain of the Kilgarvan who makes his way up the coast of the eastern continent, stealing and selling wares. A gruff dwarf, his beard is jet black except for a single grey hair, strangely giving him the nickname "Grey Beard". For many years, he has not been seen to set foot off his ship...
  • Tina "The Razor"
    Short but deadly!
  • Vadrir Shask
    A solitary ranger who hunts monsters for coin. Has a gravely voice much like the hunter known as Geralt. Despite his rough exterior, Vadrir is good of heart and willing to help others.

Sessions Archive

4th Jun 2020

Session 5: Choices in Faymere

Having delivered Olayth's chest, the group now must decide what to do next. Kobold trouble in the mountains? Something odd at Misty Pond? A strange and ancient amulet? First though, shopping!

The lands of the Dawn Rift are at peace and prosperous, but a new discovery threatens to bring war and chaos.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Pimsly P

Midnight Star

Level 4 Tabaxi Chaotic Good Arcane Trickster Rogue
(Far Traveler)
/ 27 HP

Petyr Barrett

Level 7 Human Neutral Good Warlock
/ 45 HP

Small Business owner, Pirate, Casanova Marsden Nibley

Level 7 Human Chaotic Neutral Fighter
/ 46 HP

Adrastos Ilphelkiir