
The First Age The First Age ended some 11 to 13 thousand years ago. Extremely ancient and powerful magic existed during a time of the gods and primitive peoples. This age lasted for some 6-7 thousand years until the fall of the gods. This was precipitated by war amongst them and the eventual fading or leaving of them from the material plane. Little is currently known about this age other than rare second age texts that referenced its existence. It is sometimes called the “Age of the Gods”.   The Second Age The Second Age ended approximately 5435 years ago and is known as “The Fall”. This was caused by magic technology akin to nuclear power as well as magic robotics technology becoming too powerful. The current peoples do not know what caused the fall other than it was a great calamity and tragedy likely brought on by powerful magics. The very nature of the world was changed as well as the lands themselves. The Second Age was a time of great prosperity and several world spanning wars. Remnants of magical technology can still be found but very few clues explain the cause of the Fall.   The Third Age: 5435 Post Fall (PF) The Third Age is a time of growing prosperity and rapidly advancing technology. People in the larger cities have general access to cantrip level spells and by using this in combination with magical technology, spell scrolls, and magic items, the peoples of the world lead sanitary, educated, and relatively happy lives. The far north however, is still a primitive land where resources are scarce and magic is little understood. Monsters, ancient evils, and otherworldly magics are still in abundance outside the towns. The Third Age is a time of city states, where each city controls a small region surrounding it. Most city states hold alliances with each other and benefit from mutual trade, leading to a time of peace. However, there are many who believe that war is coming soon as a few of the more powerful cities are running out of resources as they continue to grow. The two largest and most powerful cities are currently Waterdeep on the eastern continent and Weststar on the western continent. Misthold on Ashnach Isle enjoys the benefit of being the trade hub between the two towns and is also quite wealthy.
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