Session 2: The Kollector Report

General Summary

Our adventurers awoke within Ide Kayo's Kollection, the magic shop. Gathering before the man himself and discussing amenities before sitting down to eat breakfast, our travellers were joined by their freshly recovered pixie companion, new fish-friend as well as Lady Sumehime, who was suspiciously quiet throughout the morning.   While Astrea took a well-deserved bath, Aien and Rei spoke with a strangely familiar Grung who was busy tending the gardens, noticing a red strand around his ankle similar to the one worn by Ide. The faint smell of sulphur accompanied him as well, cutting through the smells of the garden. The Grung did not seem to recognize the pair at all, despite their most intimidating attempts to remind him of their meeting.   Ide shared with the group a story of a diamond that was buried a long time ago in a grave marked with his name. In exchange for retrieving the diamond, Ide would allow them to keep any treasures they might find. This job was apparently something most had refused for fear of what may haunt the graveyards. Ide assured the party that these were merely tales told to scare children.   Convinced and eager to take a break from their escort duties, the party agreed and left Lady Sumehime under the protection of Ide Kayo's personal guard along with the fish-man. According to Ide, he would be able to organize an ox to pull the carriage by the following morning. This meant that the day would not be wasted and so Seto suggested that they try to make it back before nightfall in order to prepare for the rest of their journey.   With all in agreement, the party set forth, immediately having to slog through overgrown rainforest once they reached the border of Kayo's Kollection. Before long they came across an old Torii gate that had been knocked over. Whilst investigating they heard female voices giggling in the wind, echoing from the forest around them.   As they prepared for battle, a dryad made of leaves appeared on a nearby rock, calmly explaining that she meant them no harm. She only sought to find out what brought them to her and after an explanation seemed even more interested. She claimed to have known Ide Kayo but that he had died over a century ago. She had been waiting for his spirit to return to her, but it never did.   Curious, the party thanked the dryad before she drifted back into the wind and they were able to keep pushing forward. Eventually, after a few hours of hiking, they came upon an ancient burial site. A strange marking was etched into the floor and remnants of a battle were strewn across the overgrown ruins.    Whilst investigating ominous statues and making their way towards the grave, Astrea decided to try and scare her companion, Rei, who eventually lost her patience and unleashed a power so far unseen by her travel mates. A shroud of darkness enveloped her as skeletal wings sprouted from her back, somehow unleashing a surge of energy and activating the magic circles drawn all around them.   As the light of the sun was blocked by an unholy mist seemingly conjured by Rei, a voice yelled out. "GRAVE ROBBERS! LEAVE THIS PLACE!" as three spectral warriors emerged from the ground, surrounding the party. When they claimed not to be thieves, the samurai wraiths offered a solution. To prove their honour by facing them in one on one duels.   The party agreed and Astrea began playing her battle music to inspire the duelists. Aien watched on, studying the fighter's movements and noting the skills of his new allies as Mary, Seto and Rei headed into combat.    Mary was the first to slay her opponent, surprising it with her dwarven weaponry and dispelling the spirit with ranged attacks. Rei won her duel soon after with some expert swordsmanship, showing the power of her otherworldly blade. Seto, however, was put to the test. A clash of swords defined by intricate wrist movements and skillfull parries nearly ended when the wraith managed to land a masterful thrusting strike, piercing Seto's chest.   As he fell to the floor, the party saw a green mist rise over him as the form of a black panther monk emerged from the blade still clutched in Seto's hand. As the spirit caught Seto and whispered in his ear, a pulse of energy rocked him back to life.   Imbued with the spirit of his father, Seto was able to slay the final wraith and learn that the tomb had already been robbed by monkeys who live deeper in the forest. Taking a moment to recover, a heartfelt moment was had between father and son while the magic of the circle allowed it.   Meanwhile, during that heartfelt discussion, the rest of the party was looting what remained of Ide Kayo's treasure. Apart from a sword, a set of armour and a few coins scattered across the floor, the tomb seemed to have been completely looted already.   Nevertheless, they gathered up the treasure from the tomb and the fallen wraiths - each of whom dropped a beautifully crafted sword with a small clan symbol etched into the blade. Astrea spent some time identifying her items while the others opted to look into them without magic. And thus, the party took a moment to rest.    That is where the session ended. Will our party head back to Ide Kayo in time for supper? Will they continue the search for his diamond? Find out next time...

Rewards Granted

3x Moonblades 1x Bronze Dragon Scale Armour 1x Skybiter (seen as an ornate rapier by Astrea) 70gp Level 4

Missions/Quests Completed

Quest given to find Ide Kayo's diamond. Half-day progressed. Diamond not retrieved.

Character(s) interacted with

Ide Kayo Familiar Grung Kayo Guards Lady Sumehime Rainforest dryad Samurai Wraiths Seto's Father

Kiga Shogunate


Level 9 Tabaxi Monk - Way of the Kensei
/ 66 HP

Astraea Karasu

Chaotic Neutral Thylean Satyr (Astraea) (Anhropologist)
Bard 13
Warlock 6
122 / 122 HP


0 / HP
Player Journals
The Grave of Ide Kayo by Astraea
Report Date
05 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Kiga Shogunate

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