Astraea Karasu

Chaotic Neutral Thylean Satyr (Astraea) (Anhropologist)
Bard 13
Warlock 6
122 / 122 HP

Cheerful, Curious, Playful

Campaign & Party

Kinji Squad

Sakura Jerry Astraea

Kamigawa Crew

Elias Seto Sakura Jerry Astraea

Zhi Squad

Seto Sakura Jerry Astraea Aien

The Nameless (Namonaki Mono)

Elias Seto Sakura Jerry Astraea

The Captured

Seto Jerry Astraea Aien

The Originals

Seto Astraea Aien
Run by Debirukai
28th of Cizek 532

The Kunasa bathhouse

by Astraea Karasu

So the recent meteor shower did not only kill Krakekira the Dragonturtle and this Kraken, but also bring another faction of Mindflayers to Arenia.
One can only hope that, the Mindflayers from the meteor and the Mindflayers in this "Underdark" kill each other or weakened each other, that eradicating them will be easy.
Better inform Jezek about this Mindflayer infestation.
Let's hope Zhongshe diversion didn't lead to his death.
Regardless we are finally back on track towards obtaining the two remaining rings.

Astraea's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Arriving in Ashima
    1st of Cizek 532
  2. Escort of Princess Kitsumi
    2nd of Cizek 532
  3. Yuan-ti Ambush and the Magic Shop
    3rd of Cizek 532
  4. The Grave of Ide Kayo
    4th of Cizek 532
  5. A dog, mouse and some monkey's
    5th of Cizek 532
  6. The Monkey King in the Red Lotus Pagoda
    6th of Cizek 532
  7. The Fire Force, One Eye and The Truth
    7th of Cizek 532
  8. Princess of Betrayal
    8th of Cizek 532
  9. Meeting the Daimyo
    9th of Cizek 532
  10. The Spicy Trader?
    9th of Cizek 532
  11. The Sister
    10th of Cizek 532
  12. Kit
    10th of Cizek 532
  13. Zhi
    10th of Cizek 532
  14. The Pact
    11th of Cizek 532
  15. Brian the brain
    11th of Cizek 532
  16. Kit's heritage
    11th of Cizek 532
  17. The Bathhouse
    11th of Cizek 532
  18. I don't fell so good Astraea
    12th of Cizek 532
  19. A girl and her dragon
    12th of Cizek 532
  20. Goodbye... for now beloved.
    13th of Cizek 532
  21. Void - Everything and nothing
    13th of Cizek 532
  22. Hitting Rock bottom
    14th of Cizek, 532
  23. Still the same
    20th of Cizek 532
  24. The Great Library
    21th of Cizek, 532
  25. Mother of betrayal
    21th of Cizek, 532
  26. The great escape
    21th of Cizek, 532
  27. A wild world
    22th of Cizek, 532
  28. The choice
    22th of Cizek, 532
  29. Is this real or have I lost my mind?
    22th of Cizek, 532
  30. Still alive
    22th of Cizek, 532
  31. Not the same girl anymore
    22th of Cizek, 532
  32. Jun <The Doom One> and he who shall be cast into the "void"
    23rd of Cizek 532
  33. Crashing down
    24th of Cizek, 532
  34. The life a fox
    25th of Cizek, 532
  35. Loneliness
    26th of Cizek, 532
  36. The cycle
    26th of Cizek 532
  37. What was lost and what was found
    26th of Cizek 532
  38. The hard choice
    26th of Cizek 532
  39. The new leader
    26th of Cizek 532
  40. Rage of a Mouse
    26th of Cizek 532
  41. The First Ring
    26th of Cizek 532
  42. Your princess took the castle
    26th of Cizek 532
  43. What's behind the mask
    26th of Cizek 532
  44. Is Eternity the only way?
    27th of Cizek 532
  45. Trial of Air
    27th of Cizek 532
  46. The new leader
    27th of Cizek 532
  47. Meteor shower
    28th of Cizek 532
  48. Her name was Rena
    28th of Cizek 532
  49. A new friend
    28th of Cizek 532
  50. More friends?
    28th of Cizek 532
  51. A bigger fish
    28th of Cizek 532
  52. The Kunasa bathhouse
    28th of Cizek 532

The major events and journals in Astraea's history, from the beginning to today.

The Kunasa bathhouse

So the recent meteor shower did not only kill [b]Krakekira[/b] the Dragonturtle and this Kraken, but also bring another faction of Mindflayers to Arenia. One can only hope that, the Mindflayers from the meteor and the Mindflayers in this "Underdark" kill...

09:57 am - 16.12.2021

A bigger fish

It feels good receiving thanks for having someone back, especially from a son of Daichi. May be not all children of Daichi suffer from a inflated ego/arrogance. I'm starting to wonder if, Sakura death was divine punishment for impersonating a god, yet...

11:25 am - 06.12.2021

More friends?

Can these strangers be trusted? The son of Daichi most likely doesn't pose a problem, yet I'm not so sure about the male human seeking the boy and the female riding a dragon. Should give them a chance as they helped us dispatch the lizard eating the d...

02:08 pm - 04.12.2021

A new friend

Seems I misunderstood miss Rena intensions as, she never intended to kill me, but merely was feasting a little before servicing me. Luckily we was able to clear up this little misunderstanding and I was even able to make a new friend :). Sadly doesn't s...

11:17 am - 10.11.2021

Her name was Rena

What secrets does this silk cloak hold and was it wrong to use Sumehime name to get a discount? Also what is Jun planning to use that broomstick to? We should most likely have look for an tavern instead of going to the Geisha house for information, ye...

09:19 am - 02.11.2021

Meteor shower

Who/what destroyed the Liu?, did they cause the meteor shower? and if so, did they target us specific or was it by chance that a meteor almost impacted with the observatory? Luckily Sakura managed to almost destroy the meteor and my tiny hut offered shel...

09:49 am - 27.10.2021

The new leader

I don't understand why the tiger ([b]Taira Tsuneo[/b]) want Seto weapon, and I doubt we will see them again after Jun push them off the mountain. Then again Loriphax show up after we already killed her? I can see the merits and flaws in Chess, as the ...

02:35 pm - 29.09.2021

Astraea becomes leader

Jun pass the role of leader to Astraea.

11:12 pm - 25.09.2021

Third ring

Astraea obtains the Air ring

10:56 pm - 25.09.2021

Trial of Air

What a relief that everyone is onboard with the Dragon Queen, now we just have to obtain the blood. All the trials so far points towards the architect been a Fey. Fey loves riddles, messing with people mind and eating food of the Fey can be risky, D...

07:48 am - 22.09.2021

Is Eternity the only way?

It's a shame that I wasn't able to keep the promise of buying the survivors a drink, as some of those survivors died in the recent attack on the city. Hopefully those 3 Koku will help those less fortune through this hard times. We can finally set off ...

08:58 am - 18.09.2021

Second ring

Astraea obtains the Void ring.

09:37 am - 13.09.2021

What's behind the mask

Was it necessary to kill those two Tabaxi or did the lose of Seto push Jerry over the edge? Does Jun and Sakura understand what accepting those Red Dragon masks means? and is either of them even surprised to learn the identity of the Red Princess? We ...

09:35 am - 13.09.2021

Your princess took the castle

Mota either felt threaten by someone on the airship, or Wizards just can't be trusted. I really hope the Orcs didn't ship off the small ones parents yet, as that would make dealing with Orcs pointless, and we potentially place Zhi and the small ones in...

09:41 am - 04.09.2021

The First Ring

The Earth ring test was very intresting and Jun plan to float down was smart, do bring another person with her would have made it easier for the rest of us. But let's not get mad over this as, I finally my first ring and managed to convince the monk to g...

11:07 am - 27.08.2021

First ring

Astraea obtains the Earth ring.

07:37 am - 24.08.2021

Rage of a Mouse

Jerry rage towards Tabaxi's seems justified and we did ultimately save the little Tabaxi, yet I don't understand how killing yourself is more honorable than working towards the betterment of oneself. Sakura use of "her" fox form to bring happiness to t...

09:52 am - 18.08.2021

A special white lotus design is tattoo on her chest, where heart is located just below. This 2 designs connect her to the Lifewell.

09:13 am - 13.08.2021

Astraea have tattoo a lake with white lotus flooding on it.

09:10 am - 13.08.2021

The new leader

Seto and Sakura seemed very close and the lose of Seto will most likely impact Sakura hard emotionally, yet her hope is closer than mine. Hopefully Kinji decision to appoint Jun our new leader won't be a mistake. Him insulting General Mak is a slight ...

10:01 am - 09.08.2021

The hard choice

Hopefully the mercy Jun was shown by Saraswati won't be misplaced. I really hope leaving Anaki body with Daichi wasn't a mistake and that Taizen won't make dark barging like our previous leader. I should really have warned Zhi about the danger the M...

02:02 pm - 31.07.2021

What was lost and what was found

So Anaki was piloting the huge creature and most likely killed a lot of people, but did she really deserve to die for that? How is Mota still alive? I saw her die together with Sakura, and yet she still lives. Will Daichi keep silent about the Titan...

11:53 am - 21.07.2021

The cycle

Seems the cycle continue with another creature attempting to petrify me, yet didn't succeed unlike last time. I don't understand the creature reasoning for attacking Toto, since all they does is feeding the cycle of loss and hatred by killing innocent pe...

08:43 am - 14.07.2021


I already lost so must to reach this point and yet I fear more will be take more from me in the future. Is Sakura losing her mind over been in the Kitsune body? or does she derive pleasure over reducing people, even her own allies to dust? Then again ...

11:11 am - 05.07.2021

The life a fox

So must have been sacrificed, and yet I know the future will require more sacrifice, so maybe it's time for me to step off the stage, and yet I can't do that as who will remember those who was lost. I didn't want to lose the Kitsune who name no one ask...

08:55 pm - 27.06.2021

Crashing down

I'm glad Loriphax wasn't able to another important from me, and yet the crash may have killed some Gith or villagers. Hopefully there won't be more distractions, and we can focus on bring back Sakura. But where do I start? The infested room in Libra...

09:57 am - 21.06.2021

Jun <The Doom One> and he who shall be cast into the void

Why doesn't Jun or the Kitsune not listen to my warning about stealing from the death? Does neither have any respect for the death or does they consider momentarily power worth dooming them self to death? Could the curse inflected by stealing from the d...

08:16 am - 17.06.2021

Not the same girl anymore

I'm not the same girl who was unable to save her friends anymore. I really didn't want to kill the Elder brain, but leaving it alive would only created more victims like Mota and Sakura and I just couldn't forgive those Mindflayer for destroying knowle...

07:49 am - 07.06.2021

Still alive

It's truly a shame that the Gith commander didn't live long enough to see the Elder brain destroyed. Hopefully Gaby will live long enough to witness it. How did the insect girl end up serving the mind flayer and what her race? Did Jun have a mental...

08:09 am - 04.06.2021

Is this real or have I lost my mind?

Did everything after we left the Feywild really happen or have I lost my mind? Just look ad Gith been ad war with Mind Flayers. Why is there no records of float squid people that eats brains and from what I understand is connected to each other via a ...

09:23 am - 26.05.2021

Not the same girl anymore

I finally understand why Jun is so afraid of this Mindflayers, as they killed Sakura and Moto by extracting and eating their brains, leaving me unable to save either. At less I was able to save Jun and not add them to list of people I have killed....

05:54 pm - 11.05.2021

A wild world

Today have been great so far since, not only did I find myself in demiplane with a door connected to Feywild, I also found the bow from the Treasury ad my side. I don't understand why Anaki thinks we are going to destroy the world, since I love the wor...

08:16 am - 07.05.2021

The great escape

Was the items acquired in the "prison" and treasury really worth it? Such a shame I didn't get the bow. Why didn't that girl choose to surrendered as I suggested? She could have escape the prison with us and maybe even the airship and yet she choose ...

10:26 am - 26.04.2021

Mother of betrayal

This airship have a lots of intresting things, I'm especially interested to see what secrets the library holds and if that device really can send people to the past. Do Sakura's mother should really considering locking up books about necromancy, else a p...

09:48 am - 19.04.2021

The Great Library

So the accursed place cointains a portal leading to a great library, where they hopefully have a book about bringing people who have been reduce to ash back. Why was the lady so afraid? Is this Jun dangerous or could the others have done something ho...

12:17 pm - 17.04.2021

Still the same

So I have been petrified for seven days and the fight against the mimics in the library shows that, I'm still the same weak girl who couldn't even protect her friend. Guess I should count myself lucky being able to read up on the great clans after that f...

04:25 pm - 12.04.2021


Astraea gets free from her stone prison by Jun and learns of Aien's death.

09:55 am - 06.04.2021

Hitting Rock bottom

I would never have expected entering this factory would leave me a statue. Now I just hope there is a way to reverse the petrified effect, else I'm gonna have lots of time to ponder Zen and pray to Saraswati. Also, Jerry please don't plunder my... corps...

12:42 pm - 31.01.2021


Astraea got turned into a stone by a Basilisk and now waits in her stone prison for her party to find a way to free her.

01:04 am - 31.01.2021

Void - Everything and nothing

I'm starting to wonder if, the answer the monk wanted was: I'm everything and yet am nothing, as too me I'm everything, yet in your eyes I may as well be nothing. When he asked: Who are you. Could the answer to his question why the guy with a bucket w...

12:44 pm - 24.01.2021

Alignment shift

Astraea's alignment shift from Lawful Neutral to Chaotic Neutral following her realization that she wouldn't care if Kiga had a law against bringing people back from the death. She won't let Kit pay for her failure.

07:25 pm - 19.01.2021

Goodbye... for now friend.

It sounds like Sakura specializing in the same type of magic as my shishou, and yet she doesn't seem as fascinated by time. Still it's nice to knowing my shishou is alone in her craft, unlike me who seems the only person interested in bring back Kit. ...

03:40 pm - 18.01.2021

A girl and her dragon

Seems Samurai need property. Seto said something rude, which lead to Astraea crying Astraea birthplace have been revealed Aiens uncle Astraea, Sakura and Zhi got a Tattoo Poor General Mak - Kit Funeral. Sakura Familiar is pretty impressi...

12:06 am - 11.01.2021

Astraea Spellwrought Tattoo - Find Greater Steed. Depicts a dragon holding 2 roses flying towards the Moon

10:58 pm - 10.01.2021

I don't fell so good Astraea

It's still hard to believe Kit really is Death and I couldn't do anything to prevent it :( I don't even know if I ever will see her again :( At less we avenge Kit death by killing that half-masked monk, it's just too bad Seto wasn't able to hold onto ...

08:22 pm - 03.01.2021

In the eye of the Beholder

Astraea iris changes from their brown color into an icy blue and her black pupil becomes a golden green color.

06:32 pm - 03.01.2021

A Love That Cannot Be

Astraea first friend in Kiga was disintegrated by a half-masked monk, which corpse sadly manage to slip between her fingers.

06:23 pm - 03.01.2021

The Bathhouse

I had expected a woman being behind Aien delay and not him talking with his [u]shishou[/u], granted the shishou could be a woman but let's give Aien the benefit of the doubt, especially since his present seem to make Zhi more pleasant to be around. Talki...

07:46 pm - 28.12.2020

Kit's heritage

Zhi knowledge about the [b]Herbalist[/b] place is very suspicious, and I'm not 100 % sure those herbs are medical in nature but, I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt since, she is one of Kit friends. I really enjoy the time toghter with Kit i...

03:56 pm - 21.12.2020

Brian the brain

So becoming a Hohei apparently means that I have to pick a role in the Daimyo army, guess the role of Medic and/or Tactician would suit me, do I wonder what role Kit would fill. I'm starting to wonder if, I should consider learning how to open locks us...

02:49 pm - 13.12.2020

Protect Kit during a Zombie Outbreak

Astraea manage thanks to her pact with Lulu to keep Kit from getting hurt in any way during the zombie outbreak.

02:02 pm - 13.12.2020

The Pact

I would never have left Kit behind in the first place, had I know the meaning behind the blue dragon in the sky. I'm just happy that nothing bad happened ad the Sake den since, I would have crushed me knowing I left Kit/the other people their to died and...

01:23 pm - 25.11.2020

Astraea picks a surname.

Astraea decided to adopted Karasu as her surname in honor of her Shishou familiar Dhyslia animal form.

11:44 pm - 22.11.2020


I decided to check up on Jerry after no enemies appeared ad my location and discovered they apparently planned a large scale assaulted ad Jerry location....

06:58 am - 10.11.2020

Pact with Lulu.

Astraea and her friends manage with the help from Toto guards to defend the eastern gate against a Zombie invasion and feels must stronger. Astraea afterwards search the city for [b]Kit[/b] whereabouts and finds her in drinking with a women called [b]Ze[/b] in the Sake den. Astraea leaves the Sake den after having enjoy a cup of sake, warning Kit about the Zombies and drawning a symbol of protection on her forhead. She later encounter a Zombie that most likely have been attracted by the noise coming from the Sake den and Astraea in desperation start mentally asking Kami's or her father's old friends for power. This lead to Astraea selling her soul to Lulu becoming a Celestial Warlock.

02:00 pm - 08.11.2020


Hope Kit is safe. ...

04:20 pm - 01.11.2020

[b]Kit[/b] offers Astraea tips about the Longbow leading to her hitting a coin. This lead to Astraea wanting to befriend Kit and promise to try setup a meeting between her and Kitsumi Kigako.

08:02 pm - 31.10.2020

The Sister

I originally enter the blacksmith to find a Tanto, but knew I had to own this Flute knife and hopefully one day I can effort one of Tane Kahi Tessen. I'm happy the soldier Happy general Mak was so quick to respond to ...

07:28 pm - 29.10.2020

Astraea Illuminator’s Tattoo. Despite a Dragon protecting a white lotus.

01:41 am - 18.10.2020

The Spicy Trader?

I'm beginning to wonder if there are more to Rei than meet the eye since, she arrived with the Princess and was taken to another room. Could Rei be the sister, the Princess talked about? This tattoo is very lovely with its white lotus, do it's a sham...

01:32 am - 18.10.2020

Meeting the Daimyo

- Bismarck in motion, She was made to rule the wave and seven sea - Prison + All Belong gone + Aien face - Daimyo - School + Tattoo ...

10:44 pm - 03.10.2020

Princess of Betrayal

Ken <Giant Hyeana) Ungobongo <"Monkey King"> - Death by Oni Mental Repair Akuma <Black Bear> The Red Princess Ocean and Fish Guy Samurai and Rei Wings Princess of Betrayal - Shogun Daughter...

01:19 am - 27.09.2020

The Fire Force, One Eye and The Truth


09:52 am - 20.09.2020

The Monkey King in the Red Lotus Pagoda


06:45 pm - 13.09.2020

Reach level 5

We ran into some undead Monkey's while climbing the Pagoa, which we did battle with and became stronger by it.

12:59 pm - 13.09.2020

A dog, mouse and some monkey's

WIP ...

10:31 pm - 06.09.2020

Arriving in Ashima

I finally arrived in Ashima where the Shogun lives, yet I don't know how to get an audience with him, but maybe someone in this tavren does. I wonder if the trigger for the tavren brawl who broke out shortly after I enter was Mary the Pixie throwing u...

10:56 pm - 30.08.2020

The grave of Idea Kayo - Day 1

We took a break from escorting the princess - WIP...

01:21 am - 30.08.2020

Escort of Princess Kitsumi - Day 2


10:34 pm - 28.08.2020

Escort of Princess Kitsumi.

Day 0 Meet a Human, Pixie, Tabaxi and someone wearing a death mask in the tavren and apparently the Pixie have never had alcohol before since they threw up on a Tortle named: Komikor ...

08:43 pm - 23.08.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Astraea.