Session 4: Foss Mine Report

General Summary

After a peaceful night under the stars atop the awestriking Mount Foss, Varuna, Annie A, and Mulush set off for Foss Mines. They have been quested by Anna Stone to find, defeat, and capture a Shadow Lurker in order to recharge the Ancient Compass. After retracing their steps to the entrance of the mine they meet a fellow traveler, Houdini, who claims to be curious about the mine and is having a snack outside it. They get along well enough and after a short conversation decide there is saftey in numbers and head into the mine together.   Houdini quickly proves his worth as he easily squeezes through the narrow tunnel which leads through the collapsed entrance to a stone hallway within. After the rest of the party gets inside, they being to explore. They easily dispatch of a few undead in front of a large ominous looking door. A note on one of the undead identifies them as the innkeeper Dirge's father who was the mine foreman.   Continuing one, they come across a large bundle of roots that shoot from a hole in the floor then seem to sprawl everywhere through the walls and ceiling of the mine. In the middle of the root ball, is a dead looking leshy. Annie reaches out to the dead leshy, trying to get a read on its psychometric reasonance, and is surprised as the leshy springs to life in front of their very eyes.   They learn the leshy's name is Euthen, that they were there when the mine collapsed with Archdruid Ranik. Ranik was the cause of the mine collapse in order to defeat a portal of some kind from an evil cult which had infiltrated the mine. Not knowing what else to do after the trama of being frozen in time for 30 years "living" through a collapsed mine only moments early (from their perspective), Euthen decides to join the party.   The group continues on and finds an old store room with some supplies, including black powder. The next room they visit appears to be a bunk room where folks took shelter during the collapse and cult attack. Finally, after dispatching some more undead, they find the stairs leading upward.   They ascend a few hundred feet to a small room. Outside the small room is a pecariously narrow stairway leading to a collapsed bridge which would connect to the platform they seek. After some clever problem solving they all manage to cross the collapsed bridge and leave ropes connecting the sides for an easier faster return. Everything around them is clouds; not at thick as the cloud sea but much thicker than sky clouds. There is a subtle updraft bringing the clouds to the world above. They find the bazier that Anna mentioned, then set to anchor themselves with ropes to the platform so even if they fall, they should be safe.   Finally, they steel themselves for the next task. Light the bazier, wait for a Shadow Lurker to come, kill it, and capture its essense; and for goodness sakes don't fall off the bridge!

Rewards Granted

  • 5 silver
  • +1 Greatpick
  • Composite Longbow
  • 4 horns gunpowder
  • Letter to Dirge
  • Letter in goblin

Cloudera Campaign

Euthen Rutaceae

Level .
Report Date
22 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Foss Mines

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