Session 4: The Anthony and Russell Show

General Summary

(Note: Written many weeks after the fact. For that reason, it is not very detailed, and some things will have been forgotten).
  As Lonelywood is only a short distance away from Termalaine, our heroes decide to check there for Torg's.
  On arrival, they consult with Speaker Nimsy Huddle, who tells them that the town is being harassed by a white moose that is attacking loggers and hunters in the woods, destroying the economy of the town. Shest starts to haggle for a reward, but Baradin undertakes to track the moose down. After checking with some loggers, who were drowning their sorrows in the local tavern, the party receives directions to one of the main logging sites. From which they can begin their search.
  The party heads into the woods, and after wondering for some hours, they encounter a playful nature spirit - a Chwinga. Shest plays a small game of "toss the pine cone" before befriending the Chwinga. The cheerful creature leads our party through the forest to a large clearing. Shest thanks the Chwinga with a gift of three ball bearings, which delights the spirit, and in return, it gifts Shest with a small wooden button (actually a Charm of the Traveler's Haven).
  The clearing contains a site of some significance. It appears to be an Elven burial crypt. A large moondial dominates the site, overlooked by a large mound with a sarcophagus. After decoding some symbols on plinths around the sarcophagus and finding an ornamental brazier, our party deduced that certain items must be ritualistically burned, including a hand, which Lirin bravely volunteers. Fortunately, the flames do not burn Lirin. The ritual completed, the sarcophagus unlocks, and the mummified elven warrior Sahnar arises to do the party's bidding.
  Turning to the western side of the site, the party discovers a collapsed wall provides entry to the crypt beyond. Lirin sends Tatters to scout the interior, who reports back that the main chamber within has become the home of many wild creatures - including an albino moose. Shest cautiously makes contact telepathically with the creature and discovers that a Frost Druid servant of Auril has "awakened" the moose. Threatened with the revocation of this newly granted intelligence, the creature is forced to do the Frost Druid's bidding and drive the people of Lonelywood away. Shest, knowing something of the magics required to perform such an awakening, convinces the moose (who he has named Anthony, a name the moose strongly rejects) that the spell cannot be reversed and that they are here to free him from the Frost Druid's clutches.
  Having placated the moose, the party discovers that the Frost Druid (who is named Ravisin) lies behind a moon-locked door. Deducing that they need to wait for the correct time of the moon's shadow on the moondial, they lie in wait to ambush Ravisin at the correct time. They quickly dispatch the druid. Also in her chamber is an awakened shrub, who Shest immediately names "Russell," a name the shrub delights at. Checking the rest of the room, our heroes discover the remains of Ravisin's sister druid, who appears to have been dead for some time.
  The moose is convinced to show himself to the elders of Lonelywood and to cease his aggression toward the town, which will hopefully prevent the town from attempting to hunt him down. They leave Russell and Sahnar to guard the site and provide for the animals that have made it their home, and our party heads back to Lonelywood. They convince Speaker Nimsy that the moose is no longer a threat, and at dawn the following morning, they lead the town elders to the agreed meeting with the moose to prove that is the case.

Rewards Granted

Charm of the Traveler's Haven 100 gp

Character(s) interacted with

Nimsy Huddle Ravisin Sahnar

Rime of the Frostmaiden
Report Date
03 Jul 2023
Primary Location

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