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Campaign & Party

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Tue 17th Jan 2023 06:18


by Shest

We should've spent the night in Termalaine and travelled during the day.
We should've hunkered down when the blizzard hit.
We should've run when the troll turned up.
We should've done a lot of things but we didn't.
We managed to drive the troll away but not before it had caused a lot of damage... My injuries will heal but for Baradin it's too late.
We've made arrangements with the local priest here in Targos for a warrior's funeral, I tend to avoid churches for obvious reasons but Father Peter seemed like a good man and Baradin was proof enough that not all religious folks are necessarily the type to rain down holy fire. Our intention was to stay here and attend the funeral tomorrow but now something else has come up and time is of the essence so I'm writing this while tending to the worst of my injuries and while Lirin let's Father Peter know that we have to leave town. We'll be setting out for Kelvin's Cairne in the next half hour.

Shest's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Who am I?
    1486 4
  2. Year 1
    1487 5
  3. Who are they?
    1487 9
  4. Where are they?
    1487 11 26
  5. Sacrifices?
    1489 1 18
  6. A wretched hive of scum and villainy
    1489 1 18
  7. Minor Miner Misfortune
    1489 1 18
  8. Unusual Kobolds
    1489 1 19
  9. Winter's End?
    1489 1 20
  10. Trex's Tale
    1489 1 21
  11. The Moon and the Moose
    1489 1 21
  12. On the road to Targos
    1489 1 22
  13. Baradin
    1489 1 23

The major events and journals in Shest's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 21: Finding the Codicil of the White

06:21 pm - 28.12.2023

Session 21: Finding the Codicil of the White

06:21 pm - 28.12.2023

Session 19: Now what?

03:46 pm - 21.10.2023

Session 19: Now what?

04:07 pm - 09.09.2023

Session 18: Chasing the Dragon

05:19 pm - 03.09.2023

Session 18: Chasing the Dragon

03:58 pm - 02.09.2023

Session 17: The Fortress of Fiery Doom - Into the Forge

08:08 pm - 22.07.2023

Session 17: The Fortress of Fiery Doom - Into the Forge

04:30 pm - 22.07.2023

Session 16: The Fortress of Fiery Doom

08:48 pm - 01.07.2023

Session 16: The Fortress of Fiery Doom

03:59 pm - 01.07.2023

Session 15: Local elections

07:57 pm - 24.06.2023

Session 15: Local elections

04:22 pm - 24.06.2023

Session 14: "Very Big" Problem

06:39 pm - 27.05.2023

Session 14: "Very Big" Problem

04:05 pm - 27.05.2023

The session

03:50 pm - 27.05.2023

The session

04:30 pm - 13.05.2023

Session 12: Off to see the wizard

08:16 pm - 29.04.2023

Session 12: Off to see the wizard

06:49 pm - 29.04.2023

Session 11: Invisible Thieves

03:59 pm - 29.04.2023

Session 11: Invisible Thieves

04:25 pm - 01.04.2023

Session 10: Family reunion?

10:03 pm - 04.03.2023

Session 10: Family reunion?

05:06 pm - 04.03.2023

The session

04:17 pm - 04.03.2023

The session

08:02 pm - 25.02.2023

Session 8

04:30 pm - 25.02.2023

Session 8

08:21 pm - 18.02.2023

Session 7: Toil and Trouble

09:52 pm - 28.01.2023

Session 7: Toil and Trouble

04:57 pm - 28.01.2023

Session 6

04:56 pm - 28.01.2023

Session 6

07:16 pm - 21.01.2023


We should've spent the night in Termalaine and travelled during the day. We should've hunkered down when the blizzard hit. We should've run when the troll turned up. We should've done a lot of things but we didn't. We managed to drive the troll away...

06:18 pm - 17.01.2023

Back to Targos

We tied up loose ends in Lonelywood - leaving Sarnar with the Anthony and Russel, he probably wouldn't get a warm reception in Ten Towns - and made sure that Speaker Nimsy knew that the moose would no longer be a problem. We explained that the real culpri...

05:47 pm - 17.01.2023

Session 5: Tragedy strikes...

05:37 am - 15.01.2023

Session 5: Tragedy strikes...

06:21 pm - 14.01.2023

Session 4: The Anthony and Russell Show

04:43 pm - 16.12.2022

Session 4: The Anthony and Russell Show

05:03 pm - 26.11.2022

The Moon and the Moose

We reached Lonelywood without incident and met with Speaker Nimsy. We explained that we'd performed some jobs for Speaker Masthew and were here to help with their wild animal issue. Nimsy explained that a white moose was attacking loggers and hunters in t...

04:24 pm - 26.11.2022

Trex's Tale

Back in Termalaine last night we checked in with Masthew and the miners, seems like the kobolds have been working out well. Though when we asked about Trex the other kobolds mentioned they hadn't seen him for a while. Coincidence or not, on the way bac...

03:13 pm - 26.11.2022

Winter's End?

So our next job (and I use the term loosely, I'm pretty sure Baradin volunteered us for this) was to head out to a remote cabin and deliver supplies to one Macreadus, some sort of magical inventor who had been working on a way to end the unnatural winter....

02:45 pm - 26.11.2022

Unusual Kobolds

Well the mines are cleared though the circumstances are still a little unusual. We encountered a group of giant feral rats, Baradin killed one of them and the others retreated, they don't really qualify as monsters and I suspect they simply stay out of...

01:35 pm - 26.11.2022

Minor Miner Misfortune

Glad to be out of Targos, Termalaine seems like a much friendlier place in general but not without it's own fair share of troubles. When we reached the market square in town we encountered a kid named Darmo acting as a town crier - super helpful kid th...

04:47 pm - 20.11.2022

A wretched hive of scum and villainy

What is it with these sacrifices? Not only are there lotteries to decide who gets sacrificed to a clearly uncaring deity but it turns out those lotteries are rigged [i]and[/i] people that try to avoid it are being hunted down by a serial killer? Captai...

12:50 pm - 15.11.2022

Session 3: Looking for Torg's

11:03 pm - 12.11.2022

Session 3: Looking for Torg's

05:16 pm - 12.11.2022

Session 2: Mine Games

08:38 pm - 22.10.2022

Session 2: Mine Games

04:14 pm - 22.10.2022


This serial killer that we're looking into... Hlin mentioned they may be killing people that had fled the lotteries, lotteries used to determine who would be sacrificed to the Frostmaiden. These sacrifices are meant to appease her and bring an end to the ...

07:55 pm - 20.09.2022

Where are they?

The innkeep in this place doesn't know me very well and was trying to sell me some expensive new drink he's had shipped in from a place called Good Mead, I told him I just wanted his cheapest drink but he started explaining all about how he'd been trying ...

07:20 pm - 20.09.2022

Who are they?

The same two faces again. I don't know their names but I keep seeing them and I know they matter to me. The first... She wears a ring that matches mine. My wife? I don't know her name, her features are unclear and yet every time I see her my heart skip...

06:27 pm - 20.09.2022

Year 1

It's strange, I remember language, my general knowledge is fine and I even have a passing familiarity of history and religion. Aside from that I have... I guess you'd call it a personality? I'm not some sort of mindless automaton, I can have a friendly co...

06:10 pm - 20.09.2022

Who am I?

I remember the cultists talking about how my self awareness made me more capable than their other animates; that I could use initiative and problem solve rather than just blindly following exact instructions. They referred to me as [i]Shest[/i], I think i...

10:45 pm - 09.09.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Shest.

Played by

Other Characters by Pringle9984