S3 - Rime of The Frost Maiden

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Dice Hard
February 15, 2021 November 4, 2022 | Full


  • Icewind Dale
    The northernmost region in all of Faerûn. It earned its name from the harsh winds and icy storms that destroyed buildings and scoured the landscape. The dale is a harsh, near-uninhabitable land that regularly plunges below freezing temperatures and receives little sunlight. It's home to only the most hardened of frontiersmen. Beyond the sporadic dots of civilization called the Ten Towns, it is populated by terrifying beasts and deadly monsters of the North.
Supporting Cast
  • ??? ???
    Mystery Woman seen in the Hook, line, and Sinker in Caer Konig. Dislikes Swagger's music. Was seen with an Orc. Unknown race.
  • Allie Shorard
    Younger of the two sisters running the Northern Light Inn in Caer Konig
  • Anna Fray
    Friendly, though forgetful, barmaid at Chosen Brew
  • Artur Camran
    Hunter and gatherer for Chosen Village
  • Atenas Swift
    A seasoned ranger that runs the Frozenfar Expeditions, he also sells adventuring gear, signs up adventuring groups, and raises sled dogs, puppies available upon request.
  • Speaker Ballan Loranala
    The Speaker of Chosen Village and a loyal believer of the Chosen words and prophecy.
  • Clyde Peskryk
    Retired Fisherman and owner of The Eastside Inn, located in Termaliane, his daughter Marta runs it.
  • Copper Knobberknocker
    A rock gnome that rents the attic in the House of the Morninglord in Bryn Shander. Walks around in a fuzzy suit and hood he made himself, although its quite warm, it makes him look like a teddy bear.
  • Cori Shorard
    Cori is the eldest of the Shorard sisters and helps her sister run the Northern Light Inn. She bickers with her sister, but in the most loving sisterly way she can.
  • Curly
    Curly was one of the three friends Lohengrin had in Bryn Shander and trained with him at the Wizard Tower.
  • Danae Xotal
    Raven haired barkeep of the Lucky Liar in Lonelywood. Gets more secrets than she tells of herself, not much is known about Danae, but most believe she shouldn't be fully trusted.
  • Dottie Huddle
    Eldest of two children of Speaker Nimsy Huddle in Lonelywood, most often seen with her brother Scoop.
  • Dre
    Dre takes care of the plants for the Bees in Good Mead, the Druids aren't a fan, but she is a necessary evil as they put it. She is enticed by Sous and wants him to be her friend - forever.
  • Eglendar Korr
    Handsome, dark-skinned half elf better known as Glen who runs the Hook, Line, and Sinker tavern in Caer Konig
  • Fang
    Fang is in charge of keeping the honey flowing and the mead brewed in the Goodmead garden. She shares space with Dre, but puts up magic barriers to keep her in the garden and out of Fang's way.
  • Fredrick
    The second to be returned to life by Amaunator, Fredrick is now a devote acolyte to Amaunator and vows to lead all to Amaunator's word.
  • Golden Fork
    Chwinga with the Golden fork - King?
  • Grindle
    Grindle was one of the three friends Lohengrin had in Bryn Shander and trained with him at the Wizard Tower. His cousin works at the cakey bakey in Bryn Shander.
  • Grit Grinwall
    Scruffy young boy, who was born in one of the Ten Towns with his brother Iain. Grit guided the Frozen Wan's to the Chosen Village, and disappeared with his brother.
  • Hemmok Wraithmaster
    Weathered dwarf that has seen his share of time, runs the Chosen Brew, previous owner of the dragon dagger once owned by Talia
  • Iain Grinwall
    Younger of the two Grinwall brothers, Iain still claims his innocence and that his brother Grit masterminded the theft of the Chosen Relics
  • Imdra Arlaggath
    Captain Arlaggath commands the Town Militia of Easthaven under the lead of the Speaker Danneth Waylen.
  • Iriskree Harrowhill
    Iriskree is a doughy spinster of few words, she runs thee Happy Scrimshander shop in Lonelywood and somehow knows thieves cant.
  • Jarthra Farzassh
    An experienced mountain guide, who also works as a wilderness guide out of the Frozenfar Expeditions in Caer Konig. He is also the ale runner for the Hook, line, and sinker for Glen.
  • Katrina Teslow
    Katrina is studying under Speaker Ballan, though no one knows for sure what she is learning, everyone knows magic is not far from her fingertips. She also aids in Asle's care. She is also seen to be overly concerned about Speaker Ballan.
  • Lizbeth Evestine
    Originally found as a bandit's slave in Bryn Shander, The Frozen Wan's took her home to Lonelywood where she reopened the Inn in hopes of a new life.
  • Lockheed
    Lockheed was found as a tree in the Pixie grove, Twinkle told Sous, Cloak and Lohengrin to choose the tree with her friend Periwinkle to free an innocent.
  • Mahk
    Mahk, a disgruntled Orc who has feelings for Mai Birky and is not a fan of Anna Fray. Also, one of the owners of Chosen Relics.
  • Mai Birky
    Mai is a former guard at one of the Ten Towns, but won't say which. She also was the keeper of the Chosen House and is following the Frozen Wan's to help them save the world, or get more beer, no one is quite sure which.
  • Marta Peskryk
    A willowy teenager who spends her days tending to her ailing father Clyde, and tending to the inn and bar "The Eastside" in Termalaine. She is also friends with Lizbeth.
  • Martin
    Found outside the woods near Goodmead, Martin was a trapped fox that a scout was selling. Titanious and Swagger bought the fox and named him Martin, the Chwinga's ride him into battle anytime they are around.
  • Martina Riverstone
    Martina halfling is a dragon fanatic who is in a relationship with a large goliath named Tommy, the two are seeking Talia as well saying she is a long lost friend with something important.
  • Mishann
    The priest that aided in praying for Titanius' return to live in Bryn Shander. She is the only priest of the House of the Morninglord, who also aided Cloak to remove a curse.
  • Missy
    Missy is a helpful ninja turtle princess of power that gave Titanius a book, helped them defeat bandits, and other acts of kindness.
  • Misty
    Madam Misty, a magical person located in Termalaine. Something didn't seem quite right with her and the group didn't leave Sally in her care.
  • Moe
    Moe was one of the three friends Lohengrin had in Bryn Shander and trained with him at the Wizard Tower.
  • Mummy Dearest
    Found in a tomb in some ruins with a crazy druid with albino pets, Mummy Dearest travels along with the party sacrificing their afterlife for the good of the team.
  • Mynera Mcgonnigaul
    Mynera was originally Lohengrin's teacher in Bryn Shander and runs the Wizarding Tower/School in Bryn Shander. Lately she has been acting odder than Lohengrin remembers.
  • Nimsy Huddle
    Speaker Huddle is a bright, rapid speaking halfling Speaker of Lonelywood, she doesn't ever seem to need to breath or stop moving.
  • Normed Lewis
    Norm is the owner and bartender at the local tavern in Dougan's Hole, called "The Watering Hole"
  • Oarus Masthew
    Speaker of Termalaine, his grin is wide and his head a little empty, but he is large and incharge!
  • Periwinkle
    Periwinkle is Twinkle's friend, she let Twinkle know about Lockheed being turned into a tree, she helps run the animal rescue, and assists the Frozen Wan's when Twinkle can't.
  • Rook Book
    Rook Book is a Kenku who stores all the translated Chosen Knowledge in his head. No one is allowed in his presence other than Speaker Ballan or others who are designated to just listen to the Rook Book.
  • Sally Lewis
    A wild girl trying to find her way through the world without her mom and strange magic at her fingertips
  • Scoop Huddle
    Brother to Dottie and son of Nimsy, Scoop is often found looking around Lonelywood for anything he can get into and his sister is close on his heels.
  • Scramsax
    Scramsax is the owner of the Northlook Inn and Tavern in Bryn Shander. He is also Sally's Godfather, a fact that he can't remember how or why he accepted.
  • Talia Ebonscale
    The missing companion of the Frozen Wan's, is she alive? Dead? Lost? Only time will tell.
  • Thidmeck DeepJaw
    Co-owner of the Chosen Relics. Creates most of the Chosen Relics while Mahk runs the business.
  • Tiriana Keanala
    Monk of the Chosen Village, studying the Monk arts through the Chosen Texts. Chosin had to defeat her as part of his first trial.
  • Tommy
    Tommy a goliath that was once a bouncer for the Lyft Your Spirits bar in Waterdeep, he found his partner Martina while she was searching for Dragon's and they haven't stopped traveling together ever since.
  • Trovus
    Speaker Trovus of Caer Konig is often found drinking or passed out somewhere from drinking, though he always says he is keeping an eye on the town, all the town knows the safest place is the Hook, Line and Sinker, as he is almost always there.
  • Twinkle
    Twinkle believes she is the Frozen Wan's informative guide and best companion. She doesn't understand why half the party wants to follow the annoying Chwinga and not her.
  • Vernon Braig
    Vernon is the Blue Clam's (Termalaine) owner and chef, he knows of some folk in Lonelywood and stays neutral in all things about Termalaine and the Speaker.
  • Winifred
    Winifred runs the Mead Hall in Goodmead, she loves animals and is a vegetarian. She does not appreciate those who kill or eat animals, and she can smell it on you. She makes exceptions for animals and their kin, nature needs to run its course.
  • Woody
    Found in the ruins after killing a druid, Woody produces good berries and seems to be able to stretch its branches far beyond what seems natural. Woody talks in slow, long drawn out tones, that seem to echo. Conversations with Woody could take hours if not days.
  • Ya'nira O'linic
    Last seen in Bryn Shander, Ya'nira dealt the deck of many things cards to Cloak and Titanius. She also told Swagger's fortune, that was more ill fate than a fortune. The town calls her a witch or an evil enchantress.
  • Yukon
    Yukon is Cloak's newest friend, companion, and steel defender. He constructed it out of spare weapons, emeralds, and a lot of magic.
  • Zici
    Zici is a young crag cat that was "rescued" after the adult crag cats were killed at the Pixie zoo. Periwinkle was horrified when Twinkle came out thrilled with her and the team's victory. Zici stayed with Cloak until he passed her onto Sally.
North of the Spine of the World and west of the towering Reghed Glacier is a frigid expanse few dare to explore, let alone inhabit. This icy land of windswept tundra recently became locked in a perpetual, dark winter without reprieve. Auril the Frostmaiden, the divine embodiment of winter’s fury, has withdrawn to this cold corner of the world to live among mortals. Further, she has cast a terrible spell over Icewind Dale, to the detriment of most of its denizens. The people of Icewind Dale know Auril’s wrath when they feel it, and they have a name for the unending winter she has inflicted on them. They call it the Everlasting Rime. No one understands why the Frostmaiden has imposed her will in this way or why the other gods refuse to challenge her. This prolonged winter, which has gone on for more than two years, threatens to doom not just the flickering lights of civilization known as Ten-Towns but also the indigenous flora and fauna that need sunlight and the change of seasons to survive.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Sous Lamorak

Neutral Good Warforged (Soldier (Cook))
Barbarian - Path of Wild Magic 9
97 / 97 HP