S1 - Tiny Heroes of Camelot

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Dice Hard
March 9, 2018 December 2019 | Full


  • Camelot
    Situated in the southern Sword Coast, Camelot is ruled by King Arthur and his Knights of The Round Table.
Supporting Cast
  • Lady Amy Pendragon
    Daughter of Arthur and Bard, Amy is eager, but essentially useless in combat.
  • King Arthur Pendragon
    Ruler of Camelot, rightful owner of Excalibur
  • Bana
    Bana never takes off his banana costume, and often pretends to be an innocent fruit. Luckily the arms and legs give him away. He rarely speaks.
  • Barb
    HHHAAAIIILLL!!!! Barb is excited at the prospect of any battle, staring the enemy down with her aquamarine eyes, her ginger fur glinting in sunlight. She desires to fight for the defenseless and wants wars over so there would be peace across the land.
  • Cookie
    From the Southern states. Cookie runs a mean bar. Sweet, but able to break up a bar fight like no ones business. She also controls the food and drink in the bar, choosing when they change, and when they change.
  • Daisy-Taishi Shimmerfur
    I love to bounce and spin and twirl! I come from a LARGE family they are not all small like me, nope! I am the smallest! Everyone wonders why, but I think its because I was born to BOUNCE! I am the youngest too, did I mention that? Or at least my mama says I came out last, but I think I came out sooner, but I was sooooo small no one noticed. People always say I am soooo sneaky, but really I am just small! My great grandpapa mouse on my papa's side taught me music so that my family could always find me! He said to always play my flute! So, I do! I love my flute its awesome! I played it so much and so often, because my family kept losing me, that I ended up entertaining groups of mice and other things! Soon my family just knew to find me wherever there was a crowd of mice! Some time ago a rat or a big mouse? I am still not sure, he wouldn't say, he was soooo silly. He liked me. Not just liked me, but like liked me. He kept wanting me to go out with him and I did! His name was Bee, Bee Buzztail, he was so big and so handsome. Sigh. But then the stump, well the stump was in danger, and my grandmama on my mama's side had taught me how to use the magic! I love the magic almost as much as I love the music. Wait, what was I saying? Oh right, so Bee! Bee was sad, because I wanted to go help the stump with my magic and I knew I could help! So Bee was sad and he gave me some of his hair to take with me, he just yanked it out of his chest! He is so mousely or ratly.. I really need to remember which he is..! Anyway So I left to go help the stump! I may have forgotten to tell my family, oh well! They always lost me anyway. For the stump!
  • Ember Firescale
    The firescales have always known they were related to something big. Something amazing! They weren't so much stuck up as they just stuck to themselves. A couple of generations ago the family moved away from the stump. To end the ridicule, or just to stick to themselves depends on who you ask. The children grew up well, but often uncivilised and unmannered. One day Ember, (A young bright green salamander of reasonable consititution, but little intellect and too much curiosity) was chasing water fey down in the water spray. He saw a tiny mouse trapped on a rock in the water. The injustice! The horror! Something ripped out of him and grabbed the little mouse and moved it to the bank. Before he knew what was happening, Ember had done magic! His family was so proud! He was the proof of their claims. He was sent to the stump to prove their family right. That's when it got interesting.
  • Forktunge
    Aeslin Wild Magic Sorceror. Devout in his worship of the God of Magic, Forktunge can be as dangerous to his allies as his foes when his wild magic surges.
  • Sir Galahad
    Galahad was presumed lost after a large battle over the farms in the north, but Galahad held onto dear life and has scraped and scavenged his way back. Now he is not only back, but more powerful than ever after fighting Morgana's foes through pure brute force and loyalty to his king. However, right before he was about to make his grand re-entry to Merlin's teams, he found Tena Le Fay and knew he had to keep her at bay before she destroyed all he had worked so hard to defend. He abandoned his pursuit of Tena to Kay as he decided to lend his assistance to the Heroes of Merlin. He stayed behind in Low Town to start training the townspeople to defend themselves and fight off Morganas soldiers.
  • Garak
    Outwardly, Garak is gregarious and polite, traits that he uses to obscure people's knowledge, or suspicion, of his work as Merlin's spy. Despite his image of an optimistic and well-mannered being, Garak is secretive, often creating elaborate stories about himself to avoid scrutiny about his true motivations. Garak's basic philosophy is, "Never tell the truth when a lie will do."
  • Grap
    Hard, fair, but no nonsense Smith. Grap can craft any basic weapon or armor. As long as he has the materials.
  • Sir Gwain
    Was captured in Low town. High birth and is deeply chivalrous. Upon rescue, immediately set off with Lady Anna, who he is infatuated with combining their family lines. He doesn't know HER all that well though. The ideas of being part of her family is what drives him.
  • Hanna
    Hanna is a novice cleric who is willing, but not very able. She recently started learning Druidry as that is where Merlin started.
  • Hear No Evil
    Always has his ears covered and seems to be deaf. He's a druid and enjoys healing and changing shape.
  • Johno
    Johno is a ranger who revers Merlin but is a bit of a coward.
  • Sir Kay
    Sir Kay swooped in, saved the party from a Demon leading an undead horde and healed ritter with Lay on Hands. A paladin, Bother to Arthur and member of the Round Table, Kay is a hero of the Realm.
  • Sir Lamorak
    Fallen Knight of Camelot, now an undead druid. Known as the strongest knight This Monk was sought out by the undead and turned right before Morgana's spell took effect. He was studying druidry with Merlin and the unique timing allowed his connection to nature to continue. He apparently heads at least a portion of the undead as a Master Vampire
  • Sir Lancelot
    It is apparent that Lancelot is in a tough place. He is the leader of the resistance, though it's not apparent if it's by choice, or process of elimination. Regardless, it is duty. and as they say, "Duty is heavier then a mountain, death is light as a feather". Lancelot does not appear to think highly of himself, is extremely excited to "get out and do some good" and gets very dark when complimented. It has been noticed that sometimes his sword seems to cause him some damage as well as the enemies.
  • Madame Midnight
    Merlin's spy, Madame Midnight opposes Morgana. She appears and disappears at will, but does her best to help. Died holding a dagger with bloody hands and a slit throat. Previously, she was handmade to our lady queen. Back when it was Arthur the prince, his lady Gwen and their friends who became knights of the round. Past fiancé of Lancelot.
  • Noke
    Note has an insatiable love for the dead and will do anything for the god of magic. "With great bravery I will save my minions."
  • Sir Percival
    Extremely, obsessively loyal to King Arthur
  • Professor Hemsworth
    The dashing and handsome Professor Hemsworth is happy to over-explain any magical concept to whomever will listen. (Especially if it will finally earn him tenure at Merlin's University of Witchcraft and Wizardry.) The only thing he wants more than a tenured position is a spell that will render him permanently clean and smelling nice.
  • See No Evil
    Permanetely wearing a Blindfold, he seems to be the spoke person for the group. He's a Drunken Monk.
  • Shondro
    Alchemist - His Dragonborn Nature shows through even as a mouse. Shondro crafts potions and scrolls. If only he had the materials.
  • Slick Sal
    Slick Sal never speaks. Just grunts. A scar on his throat makes it unclear if he can. If you want it, he can provide it... But of course, he needs supplies.
  • Speak No Evil
    His mouth is always covered and he never speaks. Seems the smartest of the Aislen Mercenaries. He is a Samurai.
  • Untir Dawnbringer
    Untir has been touched by death and has vowed to end the undead. A dangerous foe to any undead and others alike.
Morgan Le Fay is once again after King Aruthur's throne, and her usual tactics of poisons, potions, and seduction have all failed. Her new plan of attack is a smaller more elegant plan, she intends to take over the land by converting all the kingdom into small woodland creatures to be ruled by herself and the select people of her choosing. Merlin is frantic as he doesn't know how to reverse the magic she is using and she has hidden herself among the birds who are the overlords of the turned creatures. Once turned they can communicate to one another, but not to any humans as their voices come out as squeaks, chirps, ribbits, and hums. Morgan Le Fay must be stopped, but to do so it must be done from the inside as to not destroy the true and innocent followers of King Arthur who have been turned by the evil Morgan le Fay.   Merlin proposes a plan to take the strongest and bravest of Camelot and send them into Morgan le Fay's woodland world to fight from the inside. It is a one way ticket unless the volunteers can not only stop Morgan Le Fay, but also find the cure to her transformation. Merlin has discovered a spell to turn the volunteers, but not a method of reversal. Are you brave enough to turn into a small animal to help save Camelot and King Arthur?

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Wynn Galad