Dominion of Embers

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Tarrus
11/22/2019 | Looking for Players

Episode 1 - Back on The Path

Civil unrest from Palisade can be felt all the way across the Dominion, and with the borders of the Empress' Domain threatened, she has decided to reform the Authoritui, Inquisitors, tasked solely to root out sedition and stop any rumors of uprising.

You are an Inquisitor! Your mission? To seek out the Adversary and vanquish it at any cost. But what is this Adversary? Sedition in all of its forms. With the full backing of the Dominion, you will be judge, jury, and executioner. Will you heed the strict rules of your Empress? Or dare to defy her?

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Test 2 Really gotta test

Judicator Inarie Lyn'doria

Level 3 Eladrin Neutral Good Paladin
34 / 34 HP

Isadora Locke

Level 3 Human Neutral Rogue
(Faction Agent)
/ 24 HP

Grizz Gnarl

Vallidus Arrowfell