Chapter: Ball of the Guardians Plot in World of Faêrun and Baptomet | World Anvil
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Chapter: Ball of the Guardians

Depending on how Chapter: Deliver letter for Baron Brandybock goes. The heroes either gets invited to the Ball of Guardians  as guest of Lady Brandybock.   Or if they did have a falling out with her. They will be approached by the organizers to work as security detail.   During the ball, the thief for hire Castien Urihana will try to steal as much jewelry from the guests as she can. If noticed by the Heroes, she will attempt to fight them. But will resort to try to flee and survive as primary instinct.

Plot points/Scenes

The heroes get to the party. And takes in all the glimmer and glamour for a while.   Then the thief Castien Urihana who is dressed up as a waiter tries to pickpocket the guests and take their jewelry before running away.   Castien Urihana is a contract thief. Contract is to take as much jewelry as possible. Then go to the The Blue Water Inn drop site and meet up with some cultist to deliver the goods there. There will be 4 Cultist there waiting for the heroes.   Castien Urihana if interrogated has no knowledge of who is behind it more than that they use the Sigil of Baptomet. And the phrase "His eight blessings will aid us!". And where she is to meet the cultist to drop the goods.


Heist, theft



Heroes will notice one of the waiters stealing jewelry. Or if it takes enough time and no one notices. One guest will scream out that he/she has had jewelry stolen.


Castien Urihana is gonna try to keep the jewelry and run away to the drop site which is The Blue Water Inn



Fancy ball hall. Held by Feyrith Inahorn, Captain of the Guards. In his mansion Talicanthus Estate somewhere in the rich parts of Elturel
Plot type
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