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Episode 2: Under the Hall of Mercy

General Summary

8 Tarsakh, Year of Lightning Storms   The party meets at mid-dark, and meets swarthy locksman, Ferit. They make their way to the uphill slums of Hlondeth, led to a slaughterhouse a few blocks from the temple they are to investigate. Ferit's information about how to pass through the sewers to the lower entrance of the temple, and his skulking abilities, soon have the party circling a massive drainage bowl in the sewers, headed toward the presumed location.   A quick trip down a small side passage leads to a fight with an ochre jelly, a slimy opponent seemingly affected only by the spells of Shay and the Eldritch Blast of Svent.   After lifting a flood control gate, the group locates a crudely carved side passage that leads upward. Confident it winds up to the temple, they ascend to a stone door. Ferit fails to note the warding magic and a loud sonic explosion injures party members and alerts temple occupants.   Stumbling into the sleeping chambers of the high priest of Cyric, Basilus Bardus and the wild-eyed faithful of the Prince of Lies known as Soulbruise, stand and battle. Guards burst in, mayhem follows, and the party is kept in the fight by Zhivka's quick healing.   With Soulbruise losing his fight and guards unable to force their way fully in, several run for help. After dispatching the priest, the group winds their way through the halls before running upon two other operatives of The Guild who know Ferit and Baslius.   For fear of having loose ends, the guild members are slain inside before the fight is taken outside. Svent blasts one from a distance as Basilus runs the last one down and brings him back. He and Ferit take them down into the sewers to dispose of them, all under the scornful eye of Zhivka...   With doors left open and hopes for more success the next time, the company heads back to the Temple of the White Rose. Treasure is left with Shay, and Svent agrees to check back within two days time.

Rewards Granted

Soulbruise's Morning Star (magical)
Steel Shield (magical)
2 Potions
2 Scrolls

Missions/Quests Completed

Session recording:     Highlights:   At 4:07:00, Shay shoots Ferit in the back, at 60', in the shadows, with one of his newly crafted Fire Arrows. He criticals. He then pleads for the DM to take it back and retcon it. You don't have to listen to know how well that went.   It's dark. Combat is confusion.

Character(s) interacted with

Ferit   Basilus Bardus   Zhivka   Soulbruise (priest of Cyric, dec.)   Janus (guard, member of guild, dec.)   Harados (Dreaming Dust chemist, dec.)

Hlondeth, Emerald of the Reach


Svent is a 13 year old Male Kobold and a level 7 Warlock.
Report Date
03 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Hall of Mercy

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