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The Emerald of the Reach
Independent City-State

Overview:     The fabled City of Serpents, Hlondeth, is a majestic, cosmopolitan city that has grown wealthy through overland and maritime trade. The City of Serpents lies on the northern shore of the Vilhon Reach, in the shadow of Mount Ugruth, a not-quite-dormant volcano which has not erupted in 1000 years. Towering walls of emerald marble encircle the city, and its architecture is marked by tall, graceful arches and coils of verdant stone in addition to the viaducts that criss-cross the city.   Known as the Jewel of the Reach, Hlondeth is one of the busiest port cities in the Vilhon region. Hlondeth is an independent city-state that commands the main trade route: the Holondar to the east, coming west out of Turmish; and for caravans heading west into the Shining Plains and the lands of Amn and Tethyr beyond. The port is also conveniently located directly across from Arrabar , Chondath's capital. Hlondeth is a stunning, ancient metropolis dating back hundreds of years. It is a very organized and efficient city-state, not expanding or greedy, claiming only the lands within 50 miles of the city's walls, including a dozen or so minor villages and seemingly endless vineyards.   Long ago, the humans of House Extaminos rose to prominence, quarrying green marble from the Orsraun Mountains and trading it at ports throughout the Vilhon Reach and the rest of the Sea of Fallen Stars. At the time, Hlondeth was still a part of the nation of Chondath.   In the Year of the Tatters (about 500 years go) Hlondeth was besieged by kobolds of the Tattered Cloth Legion from the mountains outside the city. While the rulers of Chondath did nothing, Lord Shevron Extaminos welcomed all citizens who managed to escape the kobold army into his family's compound. During the siege, Shevron dispatched swarms of "pet" snakes from his gardens against the kobolds, into the sewers below, routing them. Shevron himself was killed in the battle, but no defender of House Extaminos was slain by the serpents. It is said that after that, the family became faithful followers of Varae , the serpent god, and were eventually blessed with their snake-like features.   Hlondeth eventually won its freedom from Chondath a hundred years or so after that. Then about 300 years ago, House Extaminos became the ruling family of Hlondeth and have held that place ever since. Hlondeth is currently ruled with a light hand by Dediana Extaminos, the matriarch of House Extaminos, who has a snake's tail and no legs. Her current mate is First Consort Ssibalentanamas, known as First Keeper of the Sacred Eggs.   Despite the omnipresent influence of the serpent folk, life in the City of Serpents is not unlike that in other cities along the shores of the Vilhon Reach. Trade is king, ritualized combat is glorified, nature (particularly all things serpentine) is accorded its due, and arcane spellcasters are regarded with suspicion. Members of the kobold underclass, descendants of the many kobolds who were unable to escape the city, are often kept as slaves or treated like vermin.     Life & Society in Hlondeth:   All the people of the Vilhon Reach accept the practice of marking their foreheads with small dots of colored chalk. One dot means the character can read, two dots mean they can write, and three dots mean they can use magic.   Hlondethans always try to look their best. Their armor, helms, and shields are constantly kept polished and mended, their edged weapons’ blades are keen, and their clothing is impeccable. Small polished pieces of green marble are set in armor, shields, helms, and the pommels of weapons. They favor flowing silks of bright scarlet, rich emerald, and deep azure.   Jewelry, primarily gold, is commonly worn by the folk of Hlondeth. Bracelets, necklaces, and torcs of serpentine gold links are favored above all else, especially those items with magical properties. Emeralds are the gemstones of choice for those who can afford to use them as jewelry and decorations. A favored item is a brooch that resembles two serpents coiled and intertwined in a circular pattern. It is made of gold, and it is often used to fasten the green cloaks that are so popular among these people.   The people of Hlondeth are considered by many to be a cunning and predatory lot. Perhaps it is more that these people recognize the value of intelligence and careful thought. When confronted with a difficult situation or a potential enemy, the Hlondethan will spend as much time as possible in quiet contemplation of the subject. No action is taken rashly unless circumstances absolutely dictate otherwise. “Careful and calculating” might be a better way to describe Hlondethans, for they are predatory only when eliminating their enemies. As allies, they are true and loyal. In general, the Hlondethans are prosperous and easy-going. They are also accustomed to very little interference in their lives from rulers.   Hlondeth is a very permissive city. Drugs, slavery, prostitution… almost anything is at least marginally legal in the city, depending somewhat on who is doing it. As one can imagine, one thing that is HIGHLY illegal and often punished very harshly is the injury or killing of any reptile, especially snakes. While not specifically the law, it is generally considered proper (and smart) to bow one’s head and clear to the side for those who are obviously yuan-ti nobility, usually denoted by at least one snake-like feature. Most lack the true authority to punish citizens on the spot, but that does not mean it will not be a long day and night trying to sort things out.   Climate:   The weather of the Vilhon Reach is sub-tropical and humid. While the temperature may fall as low as 35° F in the winter months, snowfalls are rare. The Turmish are fond of calling the climate “One with the Reach,” a not-so-subtle hint as to the humidity of the area.   Spring visits the Reach in early Mirtul. The temperature may reach 80° F during the spring. Evening and early morning temperatures rarely drop below 60° F. During early Eleasis, the people of the Reach hold the Long Night, a festival of love and betrothal. The festival is typically held for two consecutive nights. Its conclusion signifies the beginning of summer.   Temperatures can rise to as high as 110° F away from coastal breezes during these humid months, making full and field-plate armor virtually unheard of. Late Marpenoth heralds the approach of fall. Crops are harvested and stored for the coming winter, and winter crops are planted in late Uktar. The high temperatures range from 80° F to 50°.   Winter brings heavy rains and slightly colder temperatures. Highs typically range from 50° F to 65°. It can get as cold as 35° F, and on rare occasions, snow descends upon the Reach, though usually only in the higher elevations.   Regional Sites & Locations:   The Vilhon Reach: this name is shared by both the body of water, a southwestern arm of the Sea of Fallen Stars (the Inner Sea), and the lands that surround the water’s edge.   Churning Bay: The city of Hlondeth lies at the head of a froth-filled, narrow gulf. Its powerful tides challenge even skilled navigators except at slack tide. Numerous wrecks line the floor of Churning pay, attracting brave explorers who are willing to risk the dangerous waters.   Mount Ugruth This long-smoldering volcano looms high above the City of Serpents. Despite a few rumbles in the Year of the Serpent (15 years ago) Mount Ugruth has not erupted since the Year of the Speaking Mountain (somewhere around a thousand years go).   Chondath Chondath lies across the water from Hlondeth. It is a confederation of city-states with Arrabar as its capital. In times past, it was a powerful nation, controlling almost all the cities along the Vilhon Reach including Hlondeth.       Chondalwood: The thick, old growth forest that lies south of Chondath is said to be one of the longest-lived in all the Realms. It is said that elves and wood giants still control the woods, and Chondath’s ancient attempts to eradicate the elves to claim their land ended in terrible failure.       Important Sites in the City:   Hlondeth has been the recipient of some of the most beautiful art and architecture that the yuan-ti have ever produced. The city’s architecture is stunning, and dominated by serpent designs and shiny green marble mined from the Orsruan Mountains. This beautiful stone is the city’s most famous product, sold both carved into statues and uncut blocks.   Aviary of Extaminos: This great aviary, which took nearly two decades to construct, is now home to all manner of exotic birds, most of them native to foreign lands. Many of these birds are quite dangerous.   Cathedral of Emerald Scales, a temple to Varae, god of serpents.   The Hall of Mercy: a former dark temple, recently re-assigned to the clergy of Ilmater.


(humans 84% [Chondathans 56%, Turami 41%, Shaarans 3%], kobolds 15%, yuan-ti 1%)

Industry & Trade

Imports: Slaves, timber, weapons Exports: Basalt, green marble, seafood, statuary, wines


  • Hlondeth

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