IDROTF C2E2: Duergar here, Duergar there, Duergar EVERYWHERE! Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

IDROTF C2E2: Duergar here, Duergar there, Duergar EVERYWHERE! Report

General Summary

After settling their gear in the tower they had been given access to in Caer-Dineval, the party discussed what their next action would be. It was quickly decided that they would interview some of the Caer's guards to see if they could learn more of the thefts in town. Remembering that they had seen guards atop the gatehouse our heroes head that way.   After knocking on the door to the southeast tower, they admitted to share the warmth of the brazier burning there. The discuss the circumstances of the thefts with the guards and determine it certainly sounded similar to what had occurred in Easthaven. They party also asks after the Speaker's health, but other than the superficial knowledge that he is ill, the guards in the tower inform them that they don't know much as they don't directly interact with the Speaker, nor do their duties take them inside the Caer - other than for meals in the great hall. They mention that its the officers of the guard that patrol the interior and that Crannoc Siever has a manservant that attends to his needs and administers his care. When Saryeras  expresses that it seems odd these guards wouldn't know more details about their officers' responsibilities he is told that Kadroth prefers to keep a flat reporting structure and so all guards, officers and non, report directly to him.   The companions decide to head directly to Dinev's Rest as most of the thefts had reportedly occurred at night and it was early evening now. When they arrived at the boarded-up inn, Saryeras  began looking for tracks and other signs of activity around the exterior. The wind off of Lac Dinneshere meant that all but the most recent footprints were continuously blown away. He passively noted that sides of the building that faced the Lac were coated in a thick layer of ice; most likely frozen spray off the Lac from prior to Lac Dinneshere's shallows freezing solid themselves. As Saryeras  approached the rear door of the inn, it was apparent that someone had indeed been in and/or out of Dinev's Rest somewhat recently as the ice had been chipped away from the door. As he examined it Saryeras  recalled a similar scene on the Easthaven ferry. He put an ear to the door but could hear very little over the moaning of the wind. He decided to return to the front of the inn and discuss what he had learned with the rest of the party.   Kadgrith  was a supporter of bursting through the front door, while the remaining companions felt a more stealthy entrance through the rear would be prudent. Eventually, Saryeras  decided actions were worth more than words and he returned to the rear of the inn. Zinlis Arosath and Andove Littlefoot followed, with Andove Littlefoot commenting that they could pincer any potential enemies inside if they breached both doors.   Saryeras  very carefully, very quietly opened the door - fearful that its frozen bulk would cause the hinges to groan under its weight. They did not, however, and he slipped quietly through the small opening he had created. The interior was pitch black, other than the sliver of twilight that snuck through the door with the tall barbarian; he could see nothing. Zinlis Arosath and Andove Littlefoot followed close behind. Zinlis Arosath began to sweep his eyes over the interior while Andove Littlefoot tried to concentrate on his ears since his eyes were as useless in the dark as Saryeras '. As Zinlis Arosath's eyes fell upon a number of small, humanoid forms, Andove Littlefoot sharply inhaled and whispered hoarsely, "We're not the only ones in here that are breathing!"   Upon realizing that they were not alone, and that he couldn't see at all, Andove Littlefoot drew his shortsword and cast Light upon the blade. The room burst into full illumination and he could see six, grey-skinned dwarves closing in on them from the banished darkness. Andove Littlefoot quickly moved his hand in a protective pattern in front of himself while muttering an incantation that would protect him for a moment and then he began to recite words of encouragement to Zinlis Arosath. Outside, Kadgrith  saw the sudden burst of light that snuck through cracks in the boards that covered the windows of the inn an determined this must mean trouble. He lifted his booted foot and kicked the door, intending to knock it down and barge through. However, he failed to notice that the wood had frozen and swelled and was caked in a thin layer of ice. The door groaned, but did not budge. Meanwhile, Saryeras  closed with two Duergar that were standing side by side. He began his bladesong and drew his rapier along the way, invoking Green Flameblade as he engaged the dwarves. He stabbed forward with his rapier, putting the full momentum of his charge behind the blow...and threw himself off balance, half falling, half somersaulting to land prone behind the two dwarves. Zinlis Arosath quickly notched and fired two arrows back-to-back, missing with the first and striking the second dwarf with the last. Three of the dwarves suddenly grew to the size of ogres while the others entered melee with the companions. Kadgrith  pulled out his sledgehammer and pummeled the door down, entering to come face-to-face with an ogre sized dwarf. The battle went swiftly and well for a time, with Kadgrith  cutting down dwarves in single strokes of his greatsword. Then there were only two dwarves left standing, but they proved much more capable foes than their counterparts. Zinlis Arosath was gravely wounded, but Andove Littlefoot was able to provide magical healing. Then Andove Littlefoot himself was struck a brutal blow with a warpick and had to similarly heal himself. At long last, however, the last of the dwarves fell to the party.   With their enemies slain, our heroes began to search the interior of the inn. Zinlis Arosath found a parchment on one of the tables, with a note written in dwarvish.

The plan proceeds. Stay put, and maintain a low profile. The time is near.   Nildar Sunblight
After finding little else of interest in the inn, the party grabs the arms and armaments of the dead Duergar and returns to the Caer to report their findings. The guards are glad to be rid of the thieves, but direct the party to report directly to Kadroth once it becomes known that the thieves were Duergar.   Kadroth was quite thankful that the Duergar threat was dealt with. Zinlis Arosath asked him if the name Nildar Sunblight meant anything to him. Kadroth shared that Nildar Sunblight is one of the sons of Xardorok Sunblight, a Duergar warlock and follower of Asmodeus, King of the Nine Hells. Kadroth became quite concerned that Xardorok Sunblight's presence on the surface meant he was looking at conquering Icewind Dale in the name of Asmodeus.   Our heroes shared the fact that they had discovered that there may be a Duergar outpost to the north of Kelvin’s Cairn and everyone agreed that they should investigate and see if they could find a way to hamper Xardorok Sunblight's plans.

Rime of the Frost Maiden

Andove Littlefoot

Lawful Good Lightfoot Halfling (Entertainer)
Bard 4
23 / 23 HP


8 / 8 HP
Report Date
26 Apr 2021
Primary Location

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