Kadgrith | World Anvil

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Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Kadgrith's history, from the beginning to today.

IDROTF C2E2: Duergar here, Duergar there, Duergar EVERYWHERE!

02:59 am - 26.04.2021

IDROTF C2E2: Duergar here, Duergar there, Duergar EVERYWHERE!

12:57 am - 26.04.2021

IDROTF C2E1: The tale that followed

03:04 am - 19.04.2021

IDROTF C2E1: The tale that followed

03:04 am - 19.04.2021

IDROTF C2E1: The tale that followed

03:04 am - 19.04.2021

IDROTF C1E11: Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

03:06 am - 12.04.2021

IDROTF C1E11: Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

12:54 am - 12.04.2021

IDROTF C1E10: Fishing for fishermen

12:51 am - 12.04.2021

IDROTF C1E10: Fishing for fishermen

12:49 am - 05.04.2021

IDROTF C1E9: There and Back Again, a Halfling's Tale

02:49 am - 29.03.2021

IDROTF C1E9: There and Back Again, a Halfling's Tale

12:52 am - 29.03.2021

IDROTF C1E8: Andover, Andover again

02:51 am - 22.03.2021

IDROTF C1E8: Andover, Andover again

12:56 am - 22.03.2021

IDROTF C1E7: A Boy and his Human

02:07 pm - 15.03.2021

IDROTF C1E7: A Boy and his Human

12:49 am - 15.03.2021

IDROTF C1E6: The lowdown on the Sethek showdown

10:51 am - 13.03.2021

IDROTF C1E6: The lowdown on the Sethek showdown

10:48 am - 13.03.2021

IDROTF C1E5: Return to Brynn Shander

03:56 am - 01.03.2021

IDROTF C1E5: Return to Brynn Shander

01:54 am - 01.03.2021

IDROTF C1E4: Between an ingot and a hard place

01:41 pm - 28.02.2021

IDROTF C1E4: Between an ingot and a hard place

01:56 am - 22.02.2021

IDROTF C1E3: The game is afoot

03:59 am - 08.02.2021

IDROTF C1E3: The game is afoot

01:58 am - 08.02.2021

IDROTF C1E2: If you go out in the woods today...you're in for a big surprise!

03:55 am - 01.02.2021

IDROTF C1E2: If you go out in the woods today...you're in for a big surprise!

01:53 am - 01.02.2021

C1E1: We all have meads.

04:08 am - 25.01.2021

C1E1: We all have meads.

01:55 am - 25.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kadgrith.

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Other Characters by DrFeelbad