Andove Littlefoot | World Anvil

Andove Littlefoot

Lawful Good Lightfoot Halfling (Entertainer)
Bard 4
23 / 23 HP

Ever enthusiastic, this halfling bard seeks immortality through the written word - chronicling the adventures of mighty heroes will bring fame and popularity to the author!

26th of Hammer, 1493 DR

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Andove's history, from the beginning to today.

IDROTF C2E2: Duergar here, Duergar there, Duergar EVERYWHERE!

02:59 am - 26.04.2021

IDROTF C2E2: Duergar here, Duergar there, Duergar EVERYWHERE!

12:57 am - 26.04.2021

IDROTF C2E1: The tale that followed

03:04 am - 19.04.2021

IDROTF C2E1: The tale that followed

03:04 am - 19.04.2021

IDROTF C2E1: The tale that followed

03:04 am - 19.04.2021

IDROTF C1E11: Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

03:06 am - 12.04.2021

IDROTF C1E11: Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

12:54 am - 12.04.2021

IDROTF C1E10: Fishing for fishermen

12:51 am - 12.04.2021

IDROTF C1E10: Fishing for fishermen

12:49 am - 05.04.2021

IDROTF C1E9: There and Back Again, a Halfling's Tale

02:49 am - 29.03.2021

IDROTF C1E9: There and Back Again, a Halfling's Tale

12:52 am - 29.03.2021

IDROTF C1E8: Andover, Andover again

02:51 am - 22.03.2021

IDROTF C1E8: Andover, Andover again

12:56 am - 22.03.2021

IDROTF C1E7: A Boy and his Human

02:07 pm - 15.03.2021

IDROTF C1E7: A Boy and his Human

12:49 am - 15.03.2021

IDROTF C1E6: The lowdown on the Sethek showdown

10:51 am - 13.03.2021

IDROTF C1E6: The lowdown on the Sethek showdown

10:48 am - 13.03.2021

IDROTF C1E5: Return to Brynn Shander

03:56 am - 01.03.2021

IDROTF C1E5: Return to Brynn Shander

01:54 am - 01.03.2021

IDROTF C1E4: Between an ingot and a hard place

01:41 pm - 28.02.2021

IDROTF C1E4: Between an ingot and a hard place

01:56 am - 22.02.2021

IDROTF C1E3: The game is afoot

03:59 am - 08.02.2021

IDROTF C1E3: The game is afoot

01:58 am - 08.02.2021

IDROTF C1E2: If you go out in the woods're in for a big surprise!

03:55 am - 01.02.2021

IDROTF C1E2: If you go out in the woods're in for a big surprise!

01:53 am - 01.02.2021

Near death experience

I was nearly mauled to death by a cave bear! I'm really, truly an adventurer now!

8th of Hammer, 1493 DR

C1E1: We all have meads.

04:08 am - 25.01.2021

C1E1: We all have meads.

01:55 am - 25.01.2021

These guys are as famous as famous gets (shy of the likes of Drizzt Do'Urden or Bruenor Battlehammer or Wulfgar or Cattie-Brie...well, you get my point). I can't believe they have agreed to let me chronicle some of their adventures! Lucky me. And there are sure to be some adventures. I still can't believe the Speaker is dead. Or that the mead shipment is gone. The guys are discussing this over some of the now scarce mead at the Mead Hall as I write this...

7th of Hammer, 1493 DR

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Andove.

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