Shadowbyte Temp Agency

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Cyberpunk Sigil
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Faeryl
    A potions alchemist who formerly worked for Evogene labs, recently escaped from Sigil Prison
  • Glitter
    A member of the Waterdeep Jeweler's Guild, as well as an informant for one of the Masked Lords of the city. After asking them to make him a couple inches taller, a coven of hags turned him into a kobold when he attempted to renounce their bargain. He helped to defeat the hags, and is now beginning a new life as an adventurer.
  • Gorba Daardenrian
    Once a mighty warrior, Gorba sought even greater strength through a bargain with a coven of hags. When she realized the true nature of the bargain, she attempted to challenge the coven but became a withered husk of her former self as she arrived at the hag's lair. Once the hags were defeated, she regained her strength and has now set out to find adventure.
  • Kesto Brighteyes
    Kesto runs the Parted Veil, a bookstore on Forgotten Lane near the Shattered Temple. The shop contains a motley array of texts for sale. He is a venerable dwarf with round spectacles and a wiry unkempt beard. He is also a proud member of the Athar. Kesto aims to empower his customers through knowledge.
  • Miriam Sentinel
    Open-minded and tough retired tiefling adventurer working as a Temp Agency Adventure Distribution Manager for Shadowbyte Temp Agency
  • Rusty
    Pit fiend landlord running the dodgy apartment complex Elysium Heights in the city of Sigil.
  • Sylvarie Silversong
    Kind, beautiful cleric of Sune the God of Love
  • Thorn Marrowbane
    Thorn is as enigmatic as she is charming, with a sharp wit and a ready laugh. She has a knack for remembering her patrons' favorite drinks and stories, making everyone feel seen and heard.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 18th February 2024 14:30

Session 6: Downtime

The crew recovers after their harrowing encounter with a coven of hags

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Clay Bramblesmash