Session 031 - Victory Report

General Summary

The party bore witness to the divine energy from the colossal machina divinity into the minds of their adversaries, rearranging their memories of their time as apprentises. The arroma of acrid smoke was in the air. As the unsettling spectacle drew to a close, Brother Gallad intervened, erecting a invisible barrier between the factions. He declared that the past was behind them, emphasizing their integral role in the 7th Seal, something greater than themselves.   Famished from their astral plane ordeal, the party was guided to a banquet to replenish their vigor. Dynamics shifted among the groups as Aimen Firethorn  expressed trust in Brother Gallad's judgment regarding Otto's mentor, Brother Vincent. Reluctantly, one by one, they all agreed and toasted to newfound companionship.   Retreating to their chambers within the bastion, they encountered Octavius Coppershield, revealing Melharoun's role as a merchant during trials, reporting and trading identified items. However, a hefty tax bill of 21,720 gold pieces awaited them. Tama chipped in 7,000 gold against their debts.    The following morning, the party was welcomed by a bustling square outside the Bastion, greeted by hundreds of citizens celebrating the Festival of Ascension. Jowan Cormack announced their induction into the 7th Seal, leading them to the Circle of the Seven. There, they received their gauntlet seals and met with current champions who would ascend through the archway at the festival's culmination.   Brother Vincent commended Otto on his success, while Brother Ceric acknowledged Quinn's invaluable intelligence gathering on the Syndicate in Valtera. Ceric proposed Quinn's assistance in purging the syndicate from the sewers, suggesting a test of Sibinee's loyalty to the Seal as well.   In the ensuing days, the party honed their skills. Tama delved into the Libraries of Epoch, studying the Yuan-ti cult of the Nameless One. This drew the attention of a cleric named Karstan, bearing the same holy symbol as the Cleric in Black who had slain Mathias. Karstan demanded the return of the soul contracts held by Tama's party, creating a tense situation. To defuse it, Tama kissed Karstan, shocking him and prompting the guards to intervene. Karstan vowed to reconnect for the writs before departing.   Otto sought Carrie's counsel at Vander's Brews, encountering her new lover, Vander Dawson, who harbored no warmth toward Otto. Carrie confessed gaps in her memory after receiving a card from a beggar marked with a plume, directing her to Thunderstone. Otto confronted the beggar outside, unmasking him and initiating a rooftop chase that concluded with the disguised individual escaping, leaving behind telltale hairpieces.  


XP 500

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
08 Jan 2024
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