Session 007: Dungeons and Drowning

General Summary

  Plot: For Whom the Bell Trolls   Starting Day: Morning of 10th of Readying, 591 CY, 14th hour.  

Treasure Trolls

  With the troll burning on the floor of the cavern the two parties bumped heads on who had dibs on the trolls treasure. Sage held a small box that had a magical aura within. In the end, the rivals left with the suit of elven chainmail because Sebastian argued it was part of his heritage and 800 gold. They also missed the treasure, from the yellow fungus. Then they were off.   Among the items that they found was a the still writhing, stinking sexual organs of a troll.   The party resolved to look for the mother and child. Believing that they were somehow below them. They found a large tunnel in the dark waters of the pool. Using Rosemary's shield as a light, she dove in and began to take a 500 ft. rope with through the depths. She almost drowned, but she was able to fasten the end to an open area.  

The Tunnels

  There the party used the rope to pull them selves through the dark water. On the other side, they were met with hostile grimlocks that attacked the party on sight, or at least sound. But, the party was able to come out on top. In a side cavern, they found humans in tattered clothing and wearing masterwork manacles. They revealed themselves to be Tanna and Nigel Einmann. Otto was able to use his adamantine mace and shatter the chains. But, the sounds rang out though the natural halls.  

The Duergar

  A door opened in the distance and the sound of hard soled boots rushed toward you. Entering the room you were met by 2 grey skinned dwarves. One in full plate armor bearing a broken arrow and flames engraved on the pauldrons. The dwarf did not immediately attack. He heavily armored one told the the party that the humans were his property and that he purchased them for a fair price. Quinn was able to parley the dwarves into letting the party buy these people from them. The dwarves agreed to a large sum of gold for the humans. But the Einmann's will be going back with the dwarves. They are part of a separate deal that they have already agreed to.   Rosemary and Otto seemed uneasy about this agreement. Rosemary swung her longsword at the cleric, letting her sword partake in this diplomacy.   Ending Day: Morning of 10th of Readying, 591 CY, 16th hour.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Player Journals
Trolled? (6/4/23) by Tama
Report Date
05 Jun 2023
Last Bastion Homepage

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