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Sun 4th Jun 2023 11:26

Trolled? (6/4/23)

by Tama Dalkan

The troll is dead. Tama has the head. We negotiate with the rival party where they would take the 600 gold and chain mail that Sebastian wanted because it was elven in origin and it was of his homeland. We would take the two chests, a potion that seemed to repel the troll head. After some discussion, we figured the family is still in here somewhere below and we should go looking for them. The pool was our only lead as to an entrance towards anything underground. Tama swam but could only reach the bottom of the pool. Rosemary took the lead and rope that was in the pool and swam an incredible distance to attach it to a hook very very far below and very very far away from the pool. Eventually the rest of the party was able to use the rope to climb and swim in the water.
In the levels below we came across a group of grimlocks and took them out. We heard some voices pleading for help and found the Einmann family. Turned out there was indeed a dwarf below who bought them and they were dragged down here by the grimlocks through that really long set of water chambers we just swam through.
Quinn negotiates with the dwarf and convinces him that Pig-R "Actually named Beast-killer" accidentally sold the families to both of them and proposes a transaction.