Session 038 - 041 Into the Pestilence Report

General Summary

The party goes withGrulgar Bloodtusk and Elysia Galanodel through the doors at the pestilence that is guarded by House Arcturus.   In the pestilence they are protected by their reliquaries and follow their compus to the pustule where they see a blood hulk and undead covered with worms. Tama uses his repel vermin to keep the worms at bay and they make short work of the undead.   Travelling deeper into the

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
20 Mar 2024
Last Bastion Homepage

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