Grulgar Bloodtusk

Grulgar Bloodtusk was born in Emberhold, a logging town where life was rugged and hardship was the norm. His mother, a human, died during childbirth, leaving him to be raised by his orc father in a community that never truly accepted him. Grulgar endured constant ridicule and discrimination from both humans and orcs, fostering a deep resentment within him.   At a young age, he sought belonging and purpose, which led him to the Sons of the Seventh Seal, an organization that offered him a chance to prove his worth. Grulgar was recruited into the ranks of the Seventh Seal, drawn by promises of power, acceptance, and the chance to rise above his humble beginnings.   However, the corrupting influence of the Seventh Seal twisted his ideals. Grulgar became a willing enforcer, indoctrinated to lead new recruits into the dark abyss of the Pestilence, exploiting their vulnerabilities and reinforcing the insidious grip of the Seventh Seal. He took pride in his role, but underneath his brutal facade lay a soul torn by conflict and a yearning for acceptance.
Current Location
Year of Birth
555 CY 41 Years old
Last Bastion Homepage

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